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*Vera Knightly*

I woke up this morning in a productive mood. And let me tell you, that's quite rare. I had got up really early to begin with. It was 7am. You may not think that's early. But it sure is for me.

I couldn't really sleep last night. I had an uneasy feeling wash over me, every fucking two seconds. Especially after the letter that I'd received. From Him. No. I'm not thinking about that. He's just scaring me. Right?

He doesn't mean it.

I glance over at my purse, remembering, I had stuffed the piece of paper in there, and I slowly trail over to it, taking it out the purse. I peel it open once again, staring at it, before looking around the room for a little box.

I found one on the vanity. It was a small wooden box, with engravings of symbols all around it. I gently place the paper down and I shut it, placing the box back on the vanity.

I don't know why I kept it. But I did. I might need it later. You know for the police. Because once again. I can't do shit myself. Or maybe to even piece together the anything else he writes me.

I pat myself down quickly and I head down the stairs, where I see two large black dogs sitting there waiting. "Oo. Hello boys!" I say in a childish tone, walking up to them and stroking them. I laugh around for a bit, then standing back up, to swallow into the kitchen to see Tony.

"Morning Vera!" He chimes. "Hi Tony!" I laugh. I walk over to the cabinet to where the cups are now, smiling to myself. I still can't believe Zane moved the cups so that I'd be able to reach them. "What would you like for breakfast today?" Tony asks with a wide smile.

I walk over to the fridge letting a soft hum, as I fill my glass up with water, "Tony, it's okay! Why don't you have a rest. I'll make something myself." I say smiling at him. Tony's brows furrowed and I press my lips together showing him out the kitchen.

I walk over to the cabinet and pull out the bread, putting two slices into the toaster. "Bellissima? What are you doing?" [beautiful] A deep voice says from behind me. I turn to face him, already getting annoyed, just by hearing his voice.

"Fuck off." I groan. He stares at me, with a slight smirk on his face, and I notice his dark circles, under his eyes, becoming darker as each day passed which made my brows furrow. "You need to sleep more." I laugh. His face drops, and goes blank.

I narrow my eyes, and then he clears his throat. He got nervous. "Where's Tony?" He grumbled. I press my lips together, to keep my laugher in, due to him being so defensive. Everything about him had changed in a matter of two seconds. All from me telling him to sleep more. Looks like I hit a soft spot.

"I sent him away." I shrug, turning back around as the toast sprung out of the toaster. "It's his job Vera." Zane huffs. "Okay gilipollas." [dickhead] I mutter.

"Bellissima what'd you just call me, hm?" [beautiful] Zane says walking loser to me as I plate the toast. "What did you call me?" I spat back. His glare turned into a smirk. "What?" I frown.

"You want to know what I called you?" Zane smirks. I hesitantly nod my head. "I called you a bitch." He says chuckling. I gasp. "Asshole." I say through gritted teeth.

I take the plate and walk towards the back door, and I took a seat out in the garden. The sun glimmered on my face, making me smile. The dogs were out playing again. I heard rustling from the inside of the house, so I turned my head a little to see if Zane had maybe followed me. But instead of him I saw an older looking lady.

She had black hair, which was put in a bun. And was dressed in a black and white dress. She wore a typical maid outfit. I frown as I watch her struggle picking up the windex spray bottles that she's dropped. I rush over to her and pick the bottle up for her.

She looked up at me with a smile on her face, "oh thank you honey! You shouldn't have." She says gripping my right cheek with her left hand. "It's okay. Is there anything you need help with?" I ask sympathetically. I can't believe this old woman is still working. She should be retired by now. "Oh no it's alright sweetheart. You go and rest." She says chuckling softly.

I arch my brows, "You know what... I'll do it. You sit and rest. And I'll do everything. Yeah?" I smile. She stares at me blankly with a hint of shock. "Oh no. I can't let you do that." The woman smiles.

"Are you really going to argue with Mr underwoods wife?" I say now raising both my brows, in a jokingly manner. Her eyes widen. "Oh miss I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry. I was only joking. Just have a seat and let me do something at least. Please?" I say with a hint of hope in my voice. I'll going to kill Zane. How the hell could he let a poor old woman do such things. She can barely walk.

She huffs and I walk her along to the sofa, and then I rush back out to grab my plate, bringing it back to the kitchen. I take one last bite before rushing over to the living room, where I had left the woman. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" I say leaning down to her height. "Greta." She smiled.

"Well Greta? What things were you planning to do today?" I say giggling. She sighs, and hesitates before speaking. She gives me a small list of things she had to do, and I quickly get to work. I rush down the hall to the laundry room, where there was a large pile of neatly folded clothes, in the table. That's what I have to iron? Well. No backing out now.

I walk over to it and grab it, walking it over to the smaller sitting area, that was on the other side of the house. I wouldn't want to disturb Greta's resting time. I then walk back to grab the iron and intoning board and I rush into the sitting room, plugging the appliances in.

I turn the tv on and put on some music being never let me down again by Depeche mode. I start ironing the first few clothes, bobbing my head around, and moving my legs around. I warm smile appears on my face as I work. That was until I shivered anyway.

A frown settles upon my face when I feel un uneasy feeling wash over me. I turn left and right, then behind me. Where I spot Zane. I let out a little shriek and I grunt. "What the fuck Zane?" I spat.

"What are you doing?" I groan, rubbing my forehead. "Watching my wife." She says calmly. I shiver hearing those words. 'My wife' it feels so wrong. I clear my throat, but for I could speak, he beats me to it.

"Why are you ironing?" He says with narrow eyes, staring at me suspiciously. "Because of you! Your making a poor old lady work her ass off, when She can barely walk straight." I say raising my voice. He stares at me. Blankly.

"You mean Greta?" He smirks, to which I nod. "I gave her the choice to retire long ago, but she doesn't want to. It's not my fucking problem. Now stop doing that, it's not your job." He sighs.

"Well it shouldn't be Greta's either." I groan. Zane stares at me as I continue ironing, but I come to a halt when I feel his warm breath on my neck. "Leave it. I'll get someone else to do it." He demands.

I think about it for a moment, "please?" He mutters. I turn around, smiling and I pat him on the head. "What a good boy! Your finally using your manners!" I say jokingly. I see his jaw tense for a moment, which quickly vanished and then I nod my head in agreement.

I'll go do something else then. "You know- you could help out too." I say turning the iron off. "Mm. I don't know how. That's why I fucking pay people to do it." He groans. I let out a slight chuckle. "You don't know how to iron?" I say with a raised brow.

He shakes his head, looking almost ashamed, with a hint of sadness. Oh my lord. "Well lucky for you! I can teach you!" I laugh, clapping my hands together. His eyes widen in fear, as I push his towards the ironing board, and switching the iron back on.

"Vera." He groans. "No. You will iron those clothes." I demand, arching my brow. To which he hesitates before tuning back to face it. Yeah. Follow my offers bitch!

Thank you for reading!
I'm very sorry, this chapter was a bit boring, but it all leads up to something!
I hope you enjoyed!

-Fiersteary :)

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