(Season 4) Chapter 51

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Previously on Ninjago:

"The battle of our past has returned, but we will rise to meet that challenge," Garmadon said from his spot behind Lloyd while (Y/N) flew between Lloyd and Kai's dragon.

"Chen brought us here so that only one would remain," Kai said. "Well, we are one!"

"Hear, hear!" (Y/N) added with a smile.


The Greatest Fear of All - Part 1

(Y/N) hummed to herself as they flew over the sea and back to Ninjago on their Elemental Dragons.

Mostly, she was trying to keep her mind off the fact that Wu and Misako were in Ninjago where Chen was doing god-knows-what!

"Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us," Lloyd said to all of them. "Be prepared for anything and everything."

"How did we lose so much time?" Kai groaned.

"You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind," Dareth said from behind Zane, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes.

As much as she loved that guy's humour and nonchalant behaviour, he could sometimes get annoying.

"And we're not all quick learners," Jay added. "Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time."

"Well, we're running out of that," Nya said before pointing up ahead of them where they could begin to make out Ninjago City as the sun rose behind it. "There's Ninjago City! Hurry!"

"Hurry's my middle name!" Griffin exclaimed. "Hyah!" He pushed his Dragon to go faster and flew ahead of them as they followed behind him, now flying over Ninjago City.

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united," Lloyd reminded everyone. "We fight as one."

"Let's do this!" Jay cheered and they all fanned out over the city, but still close to each other.

(Y/N) landed on a roof of a building and watched in anticipation as Kai landed on the road down below. She wanted to see how the civilians would react upon seeing Skylor.

And all it took was one look from them and they all scattered away, screaming their lungs out.

"Well, that went well," (Y/N) mumbled disappointingly.

She smiled in amusement when an old lady in a pink car honked because Kai's dragon was blocking her way. "Could you be a dear and move your Dragon?" she yelled up at Kai. He moved his dragon a bit out of the path and she drove off. "Thank you, young man."

Garmadon and Lloyd were on the ground too but without Lloyd's dragon so (Y/N) jumped down, heading over to stand with them.

"If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Garmadon exclaimed in frustration as Kai and Skylor jumped off their dragon too.

"He's probably planning something," (Y/N) said in concern.

Lloyd turned to Skylor. "We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone," he said before turning to everyone else on the buildings. "Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people."

(Y/N) gasped when she noticed one of Skylor's hand turn back to normal. They both shared a relieved smile.


The old gang along with Skylor headed to the Samurai X cave and Zane was instantly greeted by his flacon who screeched and landed on his outstretched arm.

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