(Season 4) Chapter 42

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Previously on Ninjago:

"Winner!" Chen announced, gesturing to Jay. "Loser!" He pointed at Cole. "Master of Lightning moves on!"

He pressed a button and Cole dropped into the abyss. "No..." (Y/N) gasped, dropping in her seat with her head in her hands, her whole world spinning.

"We're gonna get him back, (Y/N)." Lloyd tried to comfort her as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "We're gonna get both Zane and Cole back."

"Cole may be gone, but he did not lose," Garmadon said wisely. "Let what he did here today be a lesson for us all: know thine enemy, but more importantly, know thy friend. He fought like a true ninja."

Lloyd pulled (Y/N) into a hug and she didn't fight against him because she really needed it.


Ninja Roll - Part 1

(Y/N) watched the next two Masters stand in front of each other, Skylor with a spear and Jacob with a guitar. They were surrounded by what seemed like easily breakable blue and white vases.

Though she knew that Jacob was the Master of Sound, she was eager to find out Skylor's element.

"Skylor, Master of Amber," Chen began.

However, (Y/N) didn't listen to the rest or pay attention to the fight because her mind went blank.


Didn't Lloyd tell her that her mother was the Master of Amber too? He also mentioned about another daughter her mother had before her...

Could Skylor be her older sister?!

Her hands on the wooden railing tightened and she felt herself drown in a state of shock.


Lloyd's hand on her right shoulder caused her to snap out of her daze. "Y-yeah?" she mumbled out, exhaling heavily as she turned to look at him.

His eyes held concern for he and he hesitated before speaking. "Given your uneasy state," he began slowly. "I think you've already connected the dots as I have."

"Yeah," she said with a sigh.

No wonder her aura seemed weird. (Y/N) had never been in the presence of a Master of Amber so it wasn't familiar to her.

Well, she was in the presence of my mother but she was unconscious at that time.

An annoying sound echoed in their ears and (Y/N) winced while Garmadon, Lloyd, and Jay covered their ears. (Y/N) supposed she was used to Jacob's powers after training with him. Maybe not enough to not have a reaction though.

"Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him," Garmadon praised.

They headed over to sit on a bench of seats beside the other Masters, leaving space for Kai who still hadn't arrived.

(Y/N) hoped he hadn't gotten into trouble.

But then again, it was Kai they were talking about.

Speaking of the devil, Kai's voice carried over to them and (Y/N) saw him making his way to them across the benches. "Excuse me. Excuse me. Uh, don't mean to block your view. Just passing through." He apologized to every Master he passed by and finally sat down next to Jay and to (Y/N)'s opposite end.

"Took you long enough," she chirped, leaning forward to look at him.

"Sorry, all of these temples look the same," he said. "Did I miss anything?"

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