(Season 4) Chapter 35

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Previously on Ninjago:

Clouse whipped around, surprise on his face. "The Silver Ninja," he said with a growing smile. "I was just asking the Ninja about you. Found it funny that you weren't here even though we stressed about it."

(Y/N)'s gaze snapped to Lloyd and the other Ninja who were already on the boat and they smiled sheepishly at her while Lloyd looked at her apologetically. She glared at them and suddenly felt mad that they didn't want her in on this!

Then at least they could have gotten away with it!

"Clouse," Garmadon seethed, confirming (Y/N)'s earlier thoughts. "I see Master Chen still has you running his errands." (Y/N) covered the snicker that threatened to escape with a cough.

"I have to go, Dad, (Y/N)," Lloyd argued. "This is about Zane." Surprised made its way to (Y/N)'s face as she listened to Lloyd in disbelief. "It's about family. If we're ever going to be whole again, I have to get on that ship."


The Invitation - Part 3

"Last call." Clouse was now on the boat and was glaring at Lloyd. "Are you in, or out?"

Lloyd gave Y/N) and Garmadon one last apologetic look and then started walking over the plank.

"I can't stop you, son," Garmadon said. "But I can join you."

However, two men pulled the plank away from the docks before he or (Y/N) could walk it. "Sorry, no more room in the ship," Clouse said curtly as he began to walk away.

"No room?" Garmadon jumped onto the plank and the two thugs released it in shock, stumbling to the ground. Garmadon proceeded to land on the boat and kicked one thug into the water.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and jumped across the gap. "Since I was already on the invitation list, I don't see why I can't join," she said slowly, glaring at the boys who avoided her angry gaze.

"I stand corrected," Clouse said, looking at them with a grin. "There's room now. Master Chen will be pleased to have you, (Y/N)."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to compete." Garmadon placed a hand on each of (Y/N) and Lloyd's shoulders. "Only to look out for my interests."

Lloyd smiled at his father but (Y/N) only huffed. "I'm mad at you four," she stated to which they winced.

"Let's ship out!" Clouse yelled out orders as he walked away from the group.

(Y/N) faltered behind the others as she recognized the other Elemental Masters around them, having trained and learned skills from each of them. Shadow passed by her and he smiled at her upon spotting her to which she smiled back before catching up to the others.

"You know him," Lloyd was saying as they watched Clouse pass by on the opposite side with two thugs behind him. "You said his name's Clouse."

"Don't be fooled by his attire," Garmadon warned. "He is a Master of Dark Arts and Master Chen's number two."

"Huh," Cole said with a chuckle. "I thought Master Chen's number two was an eggroll and fried rice."

(Y/N) laughed upon hearing this and the boys turned to her, surprised. "How did we not hear you behind us this whole time?" Jay mumbled.

"I'm still mad at you all," she said with a scoff.

"Why haven't you or Wu ever told us there are others with powers like us?" Kai questioned Garmadon, clearly annoyed at why they were never told about the other Masters.

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