(Season 4) Chapter 39

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Previously on Ninjago:

They watched as four Anacondrai Cultists walked past them, wearing weird purple suits and markings on their face. Another set of four was walking by now and the boys quickly grabbed each and knocked them out.

"Looks like we're one guy short," Lloyd said as they all looked at (Y/N).

"No worries," she said casually, using my powers to turn invisible and scaring them in the process due to the suddenness of it. "I can just do this and stay with you guys."

"That works too," Cole said.

The boys got into the stolen suits and used the chocolate shell peas to mark their faces like the Cultists and they eventually went the same way the real Cultists had gone. 


Only One Can Remain - Part 4

They finally ended up in an open area where many Cultists were assembled and they stayed at the end of the last row. It seemed like they were in a Ceremony and (Y/N) gasped upon seeing Clouse standing in front of the rows.

"I knew he was up to no good," she grumbled, feeling proud of herself for trusting her gut.

She nudged Lloyd beside her and he looked around, not knowing exactly where she was. She mentally sighed and grabbed his face, turning it in Clouse's direction to which his eyes widened.

She had to stifle a laugh when she saw Cole licking the chocolate on his face. "Stop licking your tattoos," Kai scolded, noticing too.

"It's chocolate!" Cole insisted. "I can't resist!"

"I wouldn't have been able to resist either," (Y/N) said, making up her mind to steal some chocolate later.

"See? (Y/N)'s on my side!"

"Shh!" Lloyd scolded all of them. "Just try to fit in."

The boys started chanting along with the procession while (Y/N) smirked to herself. She was invisible so nobody could see her and she didn't need do anything to blend in.

(Y/N) watched as Chen came down a set of stairs, carrying a staff with him with an Anacondrai head. He slammed in on the ground once and all the Cultists fell in prostration, leaving the boys at the end, who quickly fell too upon seeing the front row.

Oh, God. How did I end up with these nincompoops? 

"Bring out the loser!" Chen announced.

(Y/N) had to smack a hand over her mouth to muffle the gasp that escaped her two Cultists brought in a struggling Karlof. "Get hands off Karlof!" he grunted. "Karlof wish he never sign up for this." The men threw Karlof to the ground before Chen and Karlof looked up slightly, confused. "What's chanting for?"

"They're saying "only one can remain,"" Chen said. "As I said, use it or lose it." He held the staff forward and the Ninja's eyes widened when Ice shot out from it and toward Karlof. He fell to the ground with a grunt and the Metal covering his body disappeared, going back toward the staff in the form of grey dust.

"He's stolen Karlof's power," Kai gasped.

"No shit, Sherlock," (Y/N) mumbled.

She really loved that line.

"And he used Ice," Cole stated.

"That means he must have already stolen Zane's power too," (Y/N) added, her heart sinking in her chest.

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