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(Y/N) stared at the two people in front of her, unable to register what they were saying. She was so scared at the moment and had no idea where her parents were. They had promised that they'd meet her down on the road, outside their building.

But all (Y/N) saw was Ninjago City in ruins and their apartment building destroyed by the Great Devourer whom Lord Garmadon had just defeated.

"Sweetie?" The female placed a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, causing her to instinctively flinch away from the woman. The woman noticed and drew her hand back, sharing a concerned look with her colleague. 

"Where are your parents?" the male asked her.

"I- I don't know," (Y/N) muttered. "They said that- that they would meet me down here..."

"Down here? Can you explain to us what happened, sweetie?" the female said.

(Y/N) hesitated, looking between the man and the woman. She didn't easily trust people. "Well, I..." she began slowly, looking down at her feet, fiddling with her tiny fingers. "We were in our apartment when the ground started shaking and then when I looked outside, I saw this big, green snake with these purple eyes and it was really scary. My parents immediately grabbed me and we ran to the elevator. They- they pushed me into it along with this other girl called Harumi. She's my best friend. Our parents sent us in and they said that they'll meet us down here because there wasn't enough space in the elevator but- but I don't see them anywhere or- or Harumi even though she came down with me..." (Y/N) looked up at them, trailing off. "Do- do you know where they are?"

They looked at each other, sorrow in their eyes.

"Oh, sweetie," the woman cried out. "I'm so sorry, but your parents are... dead..."

"D-dead?" (Y/N) questioned, her voice squeaky and dread filling her as tears filled her eyes. "A-and Harumi?"

"Harumi found a new home now," the man answered.

"New home?" (Y/N) asked, feeling small and even more terrified now.

"Yes," the female answered. "And you will too."

"But- but I don't want a new home!" (Y/N) cried out, tears streaming down her face. "I want my parents back!"

"Darling-" the woman began but suddenly a gray-haired woman headed over to them.

"Excuse me but am I interrupting?" she said. She wore glasses and her hair was styled in a braid that fell over her back. Her face was kind and her eyes held warmth and comfort which oddly made (Y/N) feel at ease.

"Is something wrong, ma'am?" the man asked, a little irritated. "Did you lose someone?"

"Not exactly, but..." the lady began as she turned her attention to (Y/N) whom she smiled at. "Is your name (Y/N)?" she asked her.

"Y-yes?" (Y/N) stuttered, surprised at how she knew her name. 

She turned to the other two. "I'll be taking the girl with me," she announced.

"Do you have any-" the man began.

"Of course," the lady said, cutting him off while she rummaged through a bag slung around her shoulders. She pulled out a stack of papers and handed it over to the man. "As you can see, her birth mother assigned me as a legal guardian to her."

The man scanned the papers and then handed them back to the lady. "Of course," he said. "She can go with you."

"Great," the lady said then she turned to face (Y/N), a smile on her face.

"I'm going with you?" (Y/N) asked quietly and meekly.

"Yes, dear," she said, holding her hand out to the small girl.

(Y/N) eyed her hand, a little hesitant. "You- You'll take care of me, right?" she continued to ask.

"Of course, my dear," she said softly. "I'll teach you everything about your powers too," she whispered so only (Y/N) could hear.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. She knew about her powers. She could surely trust the woman then, right?

"You can trust me, (Y/N)," she said softly as if reading her mind.

(Y/N) nodded and took her warm hand. "Alright," she said, looking up at the woman's kind face. "But what's your name?"

She smiled down at her. "You can call me Misako, dear."

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