(Season 4) Chapter 45

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Previously on Ninjago:

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, heading toward the balcony before turning around to face Skylor one last time. "Good luck for whatever tomorrow might bring!" she said then climbed back up to Lloyd's balcony, surprising him when she landed with a thump right behind him.

"You're okay!" he exclaimed, relief evident in his voice as he grabbed her arms and looked her over for any possible injuries.

"Yes, I am." (Y/N) gently pushed him away. "She was really nice and understanding."

Lloyd nodded. "I'm glad to see that you're happy," he said. "What exactly did you two talk about?"

As they headed inside, (Y/N) filled him in on the new information she had received.

But of course, she left out the part of them teasing each other about their crushes.


Spy for a Spy - Part 1

Once again, they were in the main room in which they had arrived on our first day. They sat facing Chen's dais once again. But this time, there was a long curved table in front of them and food was laid out on it.

Kabukis littered the room, attending to Chen and serving them dishes. One of the Kabuki came over between Lloyd and (Y/N), holding a plate.

(Y/N) stared in confusion at what was in the plate; it was something littered with something yellow on the top?

"Try the horned wasp eggs," Chen suggested at the same time. "Delicious!"

It didn't take long for (Y/N) to realize that what he was talking about was being served to them. Lloyd looked at her with a horrified look and she looked back with the same expression.

"Uh, I think I'll pass," Lloyd mumbled out.

"Same here," (Y/N) said, trying not to gag.

"Oh, lighten up, Green Ninja and Silver Ninja," Chen said to them and (Y/N) felt uneasy since he was addressing them directly. "This isn't a trick. This is a feast to celebrate the eight of you making it to the second round."

The Kabuki laughed and (Y/N) looked on in concern because it seemed forced rather than intentional.

"And I must congratulate the Master of Shadow's defeat over Master of Poison," Chen continued. "She was a bit hard to swallow, am I right?"

As if on cue, the Kabuki laughed again and (Y/N) mentally groaned.

"Laugh harder!" Chen ordered them, laughing loud as an example.

The Kabuki did as he said, laughing harder by force and (Y/N) stared with wide eyes; Chen was extremely controlling and would do anything to get his way.

"You can relax, guys," Kai said to them. "Even if there was a fight, now that we told the others about Chen's dirty plot to steal our Powers, we're safe in our secret alliance."

(Y/N) wondered how much safe, though. For some reason she suspected that there was a spy amongst them. That was happened is most stories and she just thought why not?

Griffin who was sitting between Shadow and Skylor, leaned toward them on Skylor's side. "I tried to enlist Shadow," he whispered. "But that dude's throwing some serious shade."

(Y/N) had to admit, Shadow was a real loner and he wasn't easy to get along with. The time she spent training with him was total hell.

"Well, if you plan to stop Chen, you'll need everyone on board," Garmaodn said to them. "Each fighter that loses gives him strength."

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