(Season 4) Chapter 47

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Previously on Ninjago:

(Y/N) smiled to herself. She definitely had to get Skylor something too. But they had to get off this Island first.

Eagerly, she unclasped the necklace and after some struggle, managed to get it on.

She was in the middle of admiring it when the gem abruptly started glowing, causing her eyes to widen in shock and confusion. But before she could do anything, a white flash of light blinded her.


Spellbound - Part 1

As everyone including Garmadon and (Y/N) now sat in a blimp above the island, (Y/N) was lost in her thoughts. 

In the previous battles, Garmadon and her weren't included, they were just spectators. Then why in this one, were they in the same place as the competitors? This seemed too suspicious. 

Jay's voice snapped her out of her trance. "What are you looking at, zippy?" he hissed, his right foot bandaged up due to last night's events.

(Y/N) turned away from the window she was looking out of and saw Griffin staring at Jay with narrowed eyes. 

"The next one out of the tournament," Griffin answered.

Jay just chuckled and resorted to glaring at Griffin. To (Y/N)'s left and beside Garmadon at the end of the seats, Kai leaned forward to talk to Shadow. 

"Why so scared to show us your back, Shadow?" Kai asked mockingly. "Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?"

"I hope this next fight is between you and me," Shadow began with a growl. "Because I'm gonna put you on your back."

To the left of Shadow were Skylor and Mr. Pale, who started whistling, causing Skylor to look at him in annoyance. 

"Do you mind?" she asked, her voice laced with irritation.

(Y/N) frowned, it seemed like everyone was at each other's throats after last night. 

"Tensions are high," Garmadon observed too.

"Yeah, not as high as we are now," Lloyd answered directly from (Y/N)'s left where he was looking out the window behind him. "Can hardly see the island from up here."

He was right, she had been seeing a few moments earlier and the island was quite small now. 

Neuro suddenly walked past them, looking unnerved as he headed toward the front of the blimp where the cockpit was. 

"I've had enough of this," he mumbled, rubbing his arms. "I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?" He opened the door to the control room, but no one was piloting it, causing everyone to stare in shock and confusion.

Suddenly, a screen turned on in the control room and Chen's ridiculous face appeared. "How do I know if this thing's on?" he mumbled, looking confused and messing around. "Oh, oh, oh, I see, the light. Oh, oh, I'm on? Right now? Ahem, ahem."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, it seemed like all old people weren't good with electronics. Everyone crowded behind Neuro to watch more closely.

"Hello, final eight!" he finally greeted. It seemed like he forgot about (Y/N) and Garmadon. How typical. "I see you are all eager-"

Eager my ass. 

"-for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my Staff of Elements. Instead of fighting for a Jadeblade, today you will be fighting for something different." 

Always and Forever (Lloyd x Female Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن