Chapter 27

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Author's pov

In the Nieves Grand Duchy, the North~

"Ah, Honey. Our daughter haven't yet call me 'Dad'" the Grand Duke Abel Helio Nieves soon said in some depression while leaning on his chair as being lazy.

His icy blue eyes reflected on the appearance of woman who she chuckles and playfully smirked at him.

"Mi amor, Blanca knows if she calls you 'Dad', your ego will finally be full up" the woman playful said which he 'Hmp' in little annoyance as he looks back at the woman.

That was the mother of Princess Blanca Nieves and wife of Grand Duke Abel.

Grand Duchess Gloria Ignacia Palencia.

Grand Duchess Gloria is tall, fair-skinned woman who's described to be strikingly beautiful and very attractive

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Grand Duchess Gloria is tall, fair-skinned woman who's described to be strikingly beautiful and very attractive. She has long, wavy fiery reddish orange hair passing to her waist and her hair parting in the right side of her face, she also has matching fiery reddish orange eyes framed by black and long lashes, slightly colored red lips and processes slim figure.

Instead of wearing beautiful gowns, she wears lavish suits with fine jewelry and befitting coats as the Grand Duchess of North.

Grand Duchess Gloria is well-known mage, also swordswoman in the Godinez Empire.

She was born as the daughter of the Marquess Palencia whom she learned both swordswomanship and magic.

Her engagement with Grand Duke Nieves was completely out of the picture since she's like the fiery summer while Grand Duke Nieves's frost winter.

A perfect match, I must say.

The Grand Duke Abel looks at his wife as he smirks.

"Maybe, maybe is true or not. But anyway, my ego isn't always fill up, Gloria. I heard you were teaching Baronetess Medina and her sister, Duchess Robles. How was it?" He asked as being curious despite his bored tone.

"The usual, Abel. They're both very studious and quick learners, even I mistaken Baronetess Medina to be the younger sister, I kept forgetting they're both half sisters and they have different mothers" Grand Duchess Gloria soon said as he recalled that she apologized to Baronetess Madeleine and Duchess Agnes for mistaking Madeleine as the youngest.

I mean she is short and looking more younger than her half sister despite she's older than her.

Even she has a daughter.

"Don't blame yourself, Gloria. I mean it's normal and also, we will soon have guest with us" Grand Duke Nieves soon said which the Grand Duchess Gloria looks at her husband with her fiery eyes widen.

"Her Imperial Highness, correct?"-Grand Duchess Gloria

"Yes, Her Imperial Highness and the letter she send to us, isn't good...Crown Princess found out"-Grand Duke Nieves

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