Chapter 10

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Author's pov

"What did you say?" The Crown Prince Derrick asked harshly to his advisor who reported him the updates of Diana.

"Lady Diana.... she's been visiting the Archduchy Hernandez lately...Her Royal Highness, the Archduchess Mariposa been inviting her and since her second son, Prince Leonel is around her age...I think she might probably set them up for a marriage-"


"WHAT THE HELL?!?! MY AUNT IS THINKING OF SEALING MY EX-FIANCE TO BE SUITABLE WIFE FOR HER LACKING MANNERS COUSIN OF MINE?!?! HOW DARE SHE?!" Derrick screamed in rage as the Advisor almost jump by seeing the outburst of the Crown Prince.

Despite his angelic demeanor, he processes a fiendish and irritatedly temper that makes even a psycho.

No wonder why the OG Diana was incredibly scared of him.

"Y-Your Highness, calm down!"

"Lord Carlos! I'm going to Hernandez Archduchy! I wanna see what's that girl doing with my idiot cousin!"

Meanwhile in the Hernandez Archduchy's training grounds~

"So, the reason why you break up your engagement with my cuz is because he been glaring you and giving you spiteful looks? Wow, that's a...Umm, I don't know if I can see it in front of you..."

"You mean jerk?"

"Yeah! Wait, how the heck did you-"

"Let's say being raised by a single father and watching knights training, you get to know many words"

'Actually, is because that I am from the modern world, and I swear lot for God's sake. Also, that guy is really a jerk' Diana thought by knowing how much of a scum was the Crown Prince in the original timeline to the OG Diana who suffered so much.

Diana was in Hernandez Archduchy's training grounds which she and Leonel were begin their training.

Diana wanted to teach him lot of sword techniques from her world and hopefully, making him more excellent and powerful swordsman to Swordsmaster.

Tsukiyama Sana, back in her world and past life, she was a powerful expert swordswoman and specialist of weaponry.

Many of her classmates from Freshmen to Seniors admired her and seeing her potential to be Olympic Athlete.

"So, what are you doing to teach me, Diana? I mean I really wanted to unlock Dragon's Aura" Leonel soon says in excitement which Diana looks at him and seeing his happy yet exciting expression.

'I thought in this world, everyone would act all formal and calling everyone by their title with name. But Leonel, he's the only one acts so causal and like a normal person. I don't feel that lonely...' Diana thought as revealing her thoughts when she came to this new world which it was all different from hers.

In the body of noble girl where the high class talk so formally and being all elegant. If it wasn't for the OG Diana teaching her some etiquettes and how to speak respectfully, she would have some trouble.

After all, she's just a modern day nineteen-year-old.

But somehow, Leonel made her feel comfortable and felt like she was back to her world while speaking with him.

She was comfortable with him despite his careless and slightly childish attitude.

"Well, you have to train your body and your skills to be in that level, Prince Leonel. You're not in the level of the Swordsmaster yet but I will make you the greatest Swordsmaster in Godinez Empire"

Marchioness DianaWhere stories live. Discover now