Diana's Profile

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Full Name: Diana Violetta Cisneros Flores

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Full Name: Diana Violetta Cisneros Flores

Name: Diana Cisneros

Lady Diana
Villainess (In Emperor and I)
Lady Cisneros
Daughter of the Marquess
Future Marchioness
Royal Concubine (In her Past Life)
Abandoned Empress (In her Past Life)
Empty Doll (Derrick)
Cisneros March's most Precious Flower
Didi (By Teresa and Blanca)
Marchioness of the Cisneros March
Dragon Princess

Gender: Female

Age: 17 (Mentally), 10 to 17 (Physically)

Height: 162 cm (5'4")

Birthdate: March 15


House of the Black Dragon
Cisneros March
House of the Golden Dragon (Formerly)
Godinez Imperial Family (Formerly)

Crown Princess Consort (Formerly)
Royal Concubine (Past Life)
Marchioness of Cisneros March

Hair: Black

Eye: Bright Purple

Tsukiyama Sana (Adoptive Older Sister and Co-Owner of her body)
Gabriel Cisneros (Father)
Alma Flores (Mother, Descesed)
Raphael Alvarez (Fifth Cousin)
Teresa Alvarez (Fifth Cousin)
Sergio Mendez (Distant Relative)
Luna (Reincarnated Daughter, Adoptive Younger Sister)

Flores Duchy:
Duke Flores (Maternal Grandfather, Descesed)
Victoria Flores (Maternal Grandmother)
Margarita Flores (Maternal First Aunt)
Lucia Flores (Maternal  Second Aunt)
Camila Flores (Maternal Third Aunt)
Ines Flores (Maternal Fourth Aunt)

Derrick Godinez Salazar (Ex-fiancee)
Love Interest Coming Up

Hybrid (Human with Dragon Blood)

"I wanna to be strong as Sana, I wanna be a resilient and strong person. I ain't the same  girl like I was before! I am the future Marchioness of the Cisneros March!"

Described by Sana and others, Diana is exceptionally beautiful young girl of her mid teens. As member of the House of the Black Dragon and Cisneros March, she had a long, hip-length black hair with bangs, along with her brilliant purple eyes framed with long, thick lashes that she inherited from her late mother.

She often has her hair either straight or curled as well, her bangs swept either side of her face.

As the daughter of the Marquess, Diana wears extravagant and lavish dresses and gowns with fine jewel and tiaras. Due of Sana being one in control of her body, she starts wearing a knight uniform or simple blouse with pants.

Marchioness DianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora