Chapter 24

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Author's pov

Five years later~

"Well, I welcome to our my home, Lady Diana Cisneros" a woman soon said as the beautiful teen girl with has a beautiful black hair and brilliant purple eyes smiled.

"I'm honored, Your Excellency, Grand Duchess Eliza Rosales" the girl said as revealing to be non other than our protagonist.

Tsukiyama Sana, now in the 15 year old body of Diana Cisneros who grown to be a exceptionally beautiful teenager.

Her hair was into half loose bun with her bangs framed her beautiful face as wore a lavishly, white dress embroidered purple and white flowers and golden designs and accents as wearing white heels

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Her hair was into half loose bun with her bangs framed her beautiful face as wore a lavishly, white dress embroidered purple and white flowers and golden designs and accents as wearing white heels.

Her beauty became well known as being youngest bachelorette after her break up engagement with the Crown Prince.

She even had suitors waiting for her but sadly,   Diana's father was blocking them and he doesn't want his only daughter to be engaged yet.

'Well, I think still Diana is prettier than me'-Sana

"You're more prettier than me, Sana" Diana soon said which Sana smiles and almost chuckles.

Suddenly, a woman soon walked towards her who she has beautiful light pink hair and green eyes.

"I'm glad, you accepted my invitation, Lady Diana. I always wanted to see who is the young girl who got the attention of Leo" the woman said as revealing to be one of the heads of the founding families.

Eliza Carlota Rosales Belmonte.

She's the Grand Duchess Rosales, the head of the Grand Duchy Rosales and head of the Household of the Rose Dragon

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She's the Grand Duchess Rosales, the head of the Grand Duchy Rosales and head of the Household of the Rose Dragon.

She's the descendant of the Rose Dragon Rosa and the third cousins of the Hernandez Archduchy.

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