Extraordinary winterbreak - Part 1

Start from the beginning

I smiled at Samantha. 

"She has a hold of mine ever since I first met her."


After I wrote my letter I hurried down to the apparition course, which was held in the Great hall.

The letter took me a little longer then I thought and now I had sprint to make sure I would be there in time.

The course took twelve weeks in total, but we were already in week three and no student was able to apparate from one end of the room to the other.

I didn't want to sign up in the first place, but Sebastian had convinced all of us, being Natty, Poppy and me, to take part in this course.

I couldn't argue with the fact that apparation would come in handy if we ever needed a quick escape. So here I was out of breath, but just in time nonetheless.

The instructor from the Ministry wasn't there yet. The great hall was filled with 6th and 7th years.

I walked over to my friends who were all standing in the right corner, patiently waiting for the lesson to commence.

"Did you manage to write to your parents yet?" Sebastian asked his eyes glinting with curiousty.

"Ofcourse, now we only need to wait for their response."

"Do you think that they will give you permission?"

"Hm, I don't see a reason why they shoudln't? I haven't mentioned that I will be staying with you ofcourse. They would definitely not approve of that, as you can imagine."

"So you made up an excuse?"

"More or less. I just stated that I wanted to stay over at a friend's house. Technically I am staying at Anne's, I just convientely forgot to mention that she has a brother as well."

Natty and Poppy were listening in on the conversation, wide eyed as they realized what we were going on about.

"Y/N, are you going to stay over at Sebastian's? For how long? Why didn't you tell me?" Poppy whispered excitedly.

"I just asked her this morning." Sebastian answered for me.

"I am planning on staying for the first week, just before Christmas arrives for which I will be returning home so that I can spend it with my family."

"I hope your parents will allow it Y/N." Natty said as she eyed the two of us.

I shrugged. "Time will tell."


Sebastian's POV

It had been a monday morning when I asked Y/N about the winter break, but as time went by there was still no response from her parents and it was already friday.

Maybe the answer will come today. It was only one more week before the break would start.

I had arrived first at the lunch table, my gaze focused on the big doors expecting my girlfriend to walk in any second.

A smile appeared on my face as she made her entrance. But as soon as I saw her companion I gritted my teeth.

I hated the jealousy that arised everytime another guy was talking to Y/N. But I just couldn't help myself. Especially Jasper and Thomas were getting on my nerves, because I knew about their feelings for her. Now the latter was annoyingly close to her, walking side by side as he made her laugh about something. I re-focused on my plate, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my jealous death stare.

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