Much needed advice

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Sebastian's POV

I couldn't believe my own eyes.

Anne wanted to see me? And speaking of timing...

Sometimes people say things happen for a reason, but this seemed like a cruel twist of fate. Like the universe somehow punished me. How did I get this letter a few hours after I fought with Y/N over it?

Anne mentioned in her letter that she would like to see Y/N as well, but that was probably a bad idea. Not only because Y/N and I had that fight the other night, but this conversation was best held between Anne and me.

I was standing in the bathroom for almost an hour, watching people come and go, while I stared at myself in the mirror. My mind was racing, a million thoughts tangled in my head.

What was I suppose to say to Anne? How would she react? Would she let me hug her? I missed her so much these last few months.

''Sallow, you still in here? Class starts in half an hour.'' Arthur said, his head appearing in the doorway.

''Can you tell the Professors that I am not feeling well today?''

''Sure, thing. Please take your rest, we are going to need you against Gryffindor in the Quidditch match tomorrow. I have bet a few galleons that our team will win this time.''

I simply nodded, earning a smile from Arthur in the mirror before he took his leave.


I was going to talk to Sebastian today, I really needed to talk to to him.

If only I had done things differently, but I guess there was nothing more to do now. We just needed to talk it out. Just a little bit longer before we both had a class together, I was hopeful that I would see him there.


It was almost noon and my last class would end soon. Everyone was in high spirits because of the upcoming Quidditch match saturday and the prospect of weekend, but I didn't share in their joy. I felt even more miserable then I did this morning.

Sebastian didn't show in any of the classes. He wasn't feeling well his roommate Arthur told the Professors, but I knew it was because of me. He didn't want to see me...

I played with his ring, twisting it on my finger and play with the little blue ball inside. It wasn't over, was it? We didn't break it off, but when I asked if we were ok, he didn't answer me either. Surely he would give me another chance right?

If only he loved me as much as I loved him.

''Hey, can I talk to you?'' Thomas asked me as he came walking besides me in the hallway. I didn't have a vivid memory of leaving the classroom, but I was living in a blur to be honest. The lack of sleep and my endless worries kept my mind from focusing, leaving it in a tangled mess.

''Uhm, yeah what do you want?'' I asked a bit unfriendly. I didn't mind Thomas, but I didn't want to talk to anyone really. I just wanted to be left alone.

''I wanted to apologize for yesterday, I hope you aren't mad at me for interfering?''

''I am not mad Thomas and I appreciate the gesture, but Sebastian and I were just having an argument. There wasn't much more to it.''

''Hm, if you say so.''

I stayed quiet, as I hurried to my dorm.

Come on Thomas get the hint, I don't want to talk and definetly not about what happened yesterday.

''Listen Y/N, I hate to bring this up, but you and Sallow, are the two of you a thing?'' Thomas whispered.

Well damn.

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