A turn for the worst

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I was in for it now...

It was pitch black out here. The weather had changed for the worst and the rain poured down on me making me soaking wet. In the distance I could see lightning forming in the sky and to top it all of I was laying on the ground with a wand from a masked wizard aimed directly at my face, there was no way to defend myself.

The masked man shouted an incantation: ''Legilimens''' whilst pointing his wand to my forehead. I closed my eyes. Uncertain what the incantation stood for, but I knew for certain that it wasn't going to be pretty.

Soon enough all the memories from last year where flooding towards the surface. The one more horrific than the other. The dragon attack, Ranrok killing that poor banker, the fight against numerous Sentinels and that's when I realised that this man was trying to read my mind. To force my memories to resurface regarding the pensives and the final resting place of the power Ranrok was so eagerly after.

I had to stop this. I was one of the Keepers now. I promised to keep this power safe and protected. I had to fight this, one way or another, but how? Did I ever learn about blocking the mind? I certainly did not, but maybe I could force other memories to show. Memories the wizard couldn't care less about.

I concentrated and let my mind wonder to all the happy memories I made last year. My first ever duel against Sebastion Sallow in the Defend against the dark arts class, duelling with him in the corsswands competition, flying on Highwing with Natty and seeing the mooncalf dance with Poppy. But before I realised it, those memories became more dangerous as well. Poppy and I causing a major havoc against poachers, Natty and I facing off a dozen dark wizards including Harlow and then Sebastian..

The memory that resurfaced was from that fatefull night in the catacomb. We were surrounded by Inferius and I knew what came next.

No, no, no. This can't be happening. I need to block this before they see what happend. The surrounding wizards weren't after this memory, but still I could not afford anyone to know. With all my might I tried to block his mind reading. My head bursted with pain, but I managed to bring my mind to peace and the memories vanished.

A scream of frustration brougt me right back to the clearing, opening my eyes I see the masked man lowering his wand and pacing back and forth.

''This is how you want to play? I can do this all night. You will give in!''

I needed to get out of here. My head was throbbing and I wasn't sure that I could do the mind blocking thing again. The other witches and wizards were still standing in a circle, unmoving and silent, but they had their wands at the ready. That's when I noticed someone standing with an all too familiar wand. If I was ever to escape them I needed to get my wand back.

In the corner of my eyes I spotted familiar whisps of ancient magic gathering just inches away. Knowing the others won't see it, I moved, ever so slowly, towards the source, crawling through the mud and puddles. The witches and wizards didn't notice me or couldn't care less, as I seemingly crawled without purpose.

Come on, just a little further, I thought as I began stretching my arms reaching for the source of Ancient Magic. I wasn't even sure how I was going to provoke the magic without my wand, but I had to at least try.

''What are you doing? You look pathetic.'' The masked wizard laughed, his wand back at his chin. ''There is nowhere for you to go and I will force Legilimens on you all night if I have to.''

Feeling the Ancient Magic coursing through my veins as I reached the hotspot, I suddenly knew what I needed to do. No one should be wielding that amount of power that was stored away. I would not let the deaths of Professor Fig, Lodgok, Miriam and George be in vain. And with this determination I succeeded to create a strike of blue thunder right behind the dark witches and wizards.

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