Matchday - Part 3

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Sebastian's POV

We were flying in the air across from our opponents, waiting for professor Kogawa to blow her wistle and to release the quaffle, bludgers and the golden snitch. 

Excitement coursed through my body, the cheers from the crowd riling me up and boasting my adrenaline.

My eyes wandered to Y/N, but she didn't see me. Her eyes were on the bleachers and she was biting her lip. I could tell that she had nerves, but I wasn't too worried. Because as soon as the game would start she would immerse herself in the game and dive into a state of focus.

A memory from last year flashed before my eyes. Recalling our last battle in cross wands.

Fifth year

Y/N had made it to the final round of cross wands. I shouldn't be surprised though, that girl was truly something special.

I had known that ever since she beat my ass in her first ever duel. Not to mention the way she handled that troll in Hogsmead. Truth be told I was a little in awe of her.

I had watched every single battle and she even invited me to fight alongside her for most of them.

Now I stood across from her to determine who would claim the title. 

Although I was impressed by her so far, I wouldn't let her steal my title. She would soon find out how good I really was.

My eyes fell on her hands, she was nervously fidgeting with them while she bit her lip.

Was she nervous? Hm, I couldn't say that I have seen that side of her before. Maybe I should start slowly, take it a little easy on her? She was new to all of this after all.

"Duellists on your mark." Lucan called.

As soon as he said it, Y/N grasped her wand and took her stance. Her eyes clear and focused. The nervous girl I saw seconds ago dissapeared and before me stood a confident witch who taunted: "Ready for another beat up Sallow?"

I withdraw my words. She was going to get it.

Present time

I smiled at the memory. My ego was slightly bruised from her victory, but I didn't mind it as much as I thought I woulde have, because seeing her grow and get better made me feel things. Ofcourse I didn't fully realized it back then, but looking back now I think I was already falling.

"Begin." Professor Kogawa called out, releasing the balls.

Focus Sebastian! I thought sternly. For now I had to stop my mind from wandering to my special girl and concentrate on doing my best to secure us a victory.

I took my position at the goal area, flying in front of the three hoops, my eyes scanning the sky for the quaffle.

Ah, there it was! Samantha had it and she was already leading a first attack. 

Samantha was a good chaser, but she had an habit of exposing her target. She always looked a little longer to her desired hoop. This time her eyes remained a little longer on the left one. Hm, it wasn't as obvious as I remembered but I could see this subtle hint.

The throw came and my reflexes set in, I caught the quaffle effortlessly. Giving Samantha a smirk. "Better luck next time." I laughed. She merely rolled her eyes and flew away.

I passed the quaffle to Imelda who raced to the other side of the field. Not wasting any seconds and aiming straight for the hoops. Even from this distance I could see that it would be almost impossible to stop that quaffle from going through. But to my surprise, Mills actually stopped it.

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