|27| Regrettable Decisions

Start from the beginning

"Now, that would be wishful thinking. I am not that lucky, to be able to get rid of you so soon."

"That's right. You won't be getting rid of me anytime soon. Tie a knot to that," He said thoughtfully, nodding. "What are we having for dinner, my dearest wife?" He asked a moment later which obviously earned him an eye roll from me.

"Mac and cheese. I love cheese," I added, absentmindedly.

"Smells delicious. When will it be ready?"

I frowned. "You never eat dinner at home. Why this sudden change? And I didn't make extra. You should have informed me earlier that you planned to eat here today."

All the excitement drained from his face. "Oh... It's okay though, I will order from outside. You can have dinner like you usually do. I should have informed you earlier."

A laugh bubbled out of me at that crestfallen expression, like someone had kicked his puppy. Or in his case, kicked his cat.

"I was just messing with you." I patted his cheek, "I made two portions. I planned to save it for breakfast tomorrow. But since I am so very generous, I will share it with you."

He hummed before saying, "You should never eat stale food, Ria. It's not good for your health."

"And you are suddenly a health inspector. But it's a proven fact that mac and cheese tastes infinitely better the next day," I informed him, picking a diced cube of processed cheese and popping it into my mouth.

A sound of approval, very close to a combination of a moan and a sigh, escaped my mouth as the heavenly taste of cheese lingered on my tongue.

His eyes were dilated, suddenly appearing to be heavy, and his lashes narrowly kept open. "If a cube of cheese makes you moan like that, I can imagine how much you love food then."

"It's the only pleasurable constant in life," Shrugging, I took the spoon to dip it in the sauce and licked the back of it, looking down to avoid that stare of his. "I know that the fitness freak in you is judging me currently for the amount of unhealthy food I eat or...maybe about my physique," I gesture towards my all too round, chubby body, "But it keeps me happy after a long day. It warms me up."

I could feel his stare scrutinizing me. "You are saying that I would judge you," He paused sounding confused, as I felt his gaze sweeping slowly from the messy bun on the top of my head to the fuzzy slippers which covered my feet, "For your body?"

"I am just trying to put across that most people judge me for it and you are likely to do it too. Because I felt like it was just at the tip of your tongue to say it. I know that I don't have the ideal body type," Like your possible ex-girlfriend, I skipped that part, before continuing, "And people always try to instill the idea in my mind that it's because of the food. I could feel you getting at it, so I just informed you beforehand."

"You know, you might be the single most person on this earth who can make veggies like Karela and Spinach taste good. Those are the kind of meals you eat most of the days from what I have observed. And then you say that you eat unhealthy?"

"What I am just saying is that I know that I eat unhealthy more than other people. And-" I get interrupted before I can continue.

Aryan shook his head before saying, "I don't agree. You try to eat home-cooked at every time possible, which most people nowadays don't, including me. It's not compulsory to eat healthily every time, everyone deserves a break once in a while. Fitness is much more about mental peace than it is about physical force." I sighed, having listened to such a speech from different people including my previous gym trainer.

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