Having sex with girl you saved(R-18)

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With the help of the group, Akira carefully lifted Suzune in his arms and swiftly made his way to the medical room. Each step he took was heavy, carrying not only Suzune's physical weight but also the weight of the situation that had escalated far beyond what they had initially anticipated.

Inside the medical room, they laid Suzune down on one of the cleanest beds they could find. Chiaki and Honami were quick to grab medical supplies while the rest stood by, a thick tension hanging in the air.

"Never knew," Akira mused aloud, the silence momentarily broken, "that things would escalate to this level." His eyes were trained on Suzune's unconscious form, the sight of her injuries making his heart clench uncomfortably.

Quickly, they undressed her, careful not to aggravate her wounds further. They cleaned and bandaged her wounds with a sort of grim determination. As they worked, they shared glances, each one filled with a silent understanding. They were in the midst of a situation that was rapidly spiralling out of control and they had to brace themselves for what was to come next.

Outside, the once peaceful campus of Advanced Nurturing High School had turned into a battlefield, the air filled with screams and the sound of violence. The usual studious environment was replaced with the raw brutality of survival, as students fought tooth and nail against each other.

Students who were once classmates, even friends, were now at each other's throats. Everywhere one looked, there was chaos. The once well-kept school grounds were littered with broken furniture, shattered glass, and students nursing their wounds or worse. Groups formed and disbanded in the blink of an eye, allegiances shifting as rapidly as the wind.

Despair clung to the students like a heavy cloak, their faces etched with fear and determination as they fought against each other. The once vibrant eyes were now glazed with the horrors they had seen and committed. Violence was no longer an abstract concept talked about in history books or seen on news channels. It was here, stark and real, a stark reminder of the darker side of humanity that had been unleashed.

Through the windows, the group in the medical room could see the mayhem unfold. It was a scene straight out of a dystopian novel, an apocalyptic world where survival was the only rule. Even as they worked on treating Suzune, the sounds of the chaos outside served as a chilling reminder of what they were up against.

As Akira gently tended to Suzune's injuries, his fingers accidentally grazed a particularly sensitive spot. A sharp intake of breath escaped her, and she instinctively jerked away, a defensive glare in her eyes.

"Easy," Akira chided softly, raising an eyebrow at her reaction. "I'm just trying to help."

"I can take care of myself," she snapped, wincing as a fresh wave of pain shot through her.

"I see," Akira replied, his tone remaining steady despite the tense atmosphere. "And how's that been working out for you? From where I'm standing, it looks like you got beaten up pretty badly."

He gestured to her battered form, his expression serious. "This is no time for pride, Suzune. We're in a survival situation here, not some schoolyard brawl. You need to accept help when it's offered, especially from those who genuinely care about your well-being."

His words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the grim reality they were all facing.

Despite the tension, Akira's eyes twinkled mischievously as he shot Suzune a teasing grin. "You know, you're quite attractive, Suzune. You'd make a suitable mother for my children...if you could learn to keep that sharp tongue of yours in check."

Suzune sputtered, blushing furiously at his audacious comment. "Wha-what are you talking about, Akira?!"

"Ah, the blush suits you," Akira mused, chuckling softly as he returned to dressing her wounds. The atmosphere between them was slightly lighter now, his playful words successfully diffusing some of the tension.

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