Chapter 14 deal

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Akira pov

"It must suck to be stuck with that do-gooder, Kanzaki. The next three years are gonna suck for you, kukuku.At least you have This Handsome guy with you" Ryuuen added fuel to the fire, helping my argument.

"Every single one of you is nuts. Why did I even have to come to this, just to see the lunatics who control their classes go on an ego trip."Kamuro replied

So, this is why Sakayanagi kept Masumi around. She was quite humorous.

"Quite now, Masumi, the grown-ups are talking."Sakayanagi Replied

Wow a loli talking about it is just ironic

Turning back to me she continued.

"I see you want an interesting school life. I can understand that. So why call us here?"Sakayanagi replied

Sakayanagi finally got the conversation back on track, stopping it from drifting for the third time.

"I have information on the midterm exams. One standard deviation above the average of the class's results will be given as Class Points."I said .

I had in fact paid Chie for this information. Why the school used such an obnoxious method of calculating points I didn't know or particularly care about, but what mattered was that it was true.

"Kukuku now that's interesting. So, not only is there a punishment for failure, there's a reward for passing."Ryuuen said

"Why tell them this." Kanzaki whispered me

, ever the suspicious man, making my life so much easier by being so.

"Because it's interesting if everyone knows. Now the results matter. Competition is a lot more fun."I whispered back to him

"You called us all the way over here just for that? This could have been said in a message." Masumi decided to complain again.

"Fufufu but isn't this a lot more fun, Masumi? All the true class leaders gathered in one place, sharing secrets and plans. It's enough to make the boring days here worth it." Sakayanagi really had a distain for the teaching of this school. In fact, it seemed the only thing that interested her was the class competition. Information worth remembering, I could use it at times.

A/n : Class-D is screaming am I a joke to you to arisu

"I also came to offer you all a deal. The questions on the midterms, for 100,000 private points each."I said .

I obtained them low but this is how you do business .

There it was. My true purpose of gathering everyone together. Originally, I had intended to keep the 200,000 points myself, but now this provided an even better opportunity.

"That's an absurd amount, Akira-san. You can't honestly think anyone here will agree to that, let alone trust what you say."He whispered to me wanting to advice me further

It seemed my reputation as a secret leaker wasn't enough for Kanzaki, which was the correct response to my outrageous offer. A response I had already planned for.

"This information was purchased from a teacher. I guarantee it's correct. Private points can be used for anything, right? Information is one of them."

"And why ask for such a large amount. How much did this information and the exam questions cost you?" Ryuuen had finally taken the situation seriously, the prospect of exchanging private points for virtually guaranteed more Class Points was a deal he was interested in.

"It cost me 150,000 private points. But just in case you still don't believe me I'm willing to back up my claim with 200,000 private points in the event that the tests aren't the same".I told them

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