my pizza delivery guys a vampire

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Althea sits in Benny's room, lying on his bed, bored. She already finished her homework, which took her about fifteen minutes. Bennys doing his as she is throwing a ball up in the air and catching it.

"You're not seriously thinking about going to that party. That guys a creep. And he hurt your arm." Benny says to his sister.

"I know but you're boring. What's the worst that could happen?" He scoffs.

"You turn emo." He says dramatically and they both start laughing. She suddenly start to sing the only My Chemical Romance song she knows and he gasps. "Oh no, the transformation is already starting. We're too late." He yells. They both start laughing like maniacs.

"Finish your homework quicker please." She complains.

"I'm done."

"Good." Althea smiles.

"Hold up I'm calling Ethan." Benny says, getting on his laptop.

"Hey man. Any sign of the babe-o-sitter yet." Benny says and Althea gags.

"No. Im staying in my room as a form of protest." Ethan says over the computer.

"Yah you really showed them." Althea says and Benny stifles a laugh.

"I'm not. First sign of babezilla approaching and I am there." Benny says.

"Do you do it on purpose or are you genuinely this dorky?" Althea asks and Benny throws something at her. "Ow." She rubs the arm where the pencil hit her. Althea rolls back over on the bed dramatically. They both look back at the computer as they hear growling and banging coming from the yard.

"You hear that?" Benny questions, putting some weird device up to his ear. "Sounds like the ultimate raccoon fight in our backyards. Sounds huge!" Benny says and Althea rolls her eyes.

"You are so weird." She chuckles. Benny immediately pulls her out of bed when he hears Ethan's mom yelling something about the babysitter from downstairs. He grabs her by the wrist and runs quickly, grabbing snacks and a movie on his way. "Benny she'll still be there in a minute if we don't sprint." By the time she finishes her sentence they are next door and Benny is pounding on the Morgan's front door. Without waiting for an answer, they walk in, it is basically a second home to the two.

"I got pop, chips, and the first season of the bloodsucker diaries. Who-" He cuts himself off when he realizes it's Sarah and not Erica.

"Hey Sarah." Althea smiles and waves.

"Hey Thea. Where's your bathroom?" She asks Ethan.

"Oh um. Down that hall there to the left." He points it out and she quickly leaves to there.

"Dude. Is that your robo-babe from school." Benny asks and this time Althea just kicks him in back of the leg.

"Yes. I guess Erica couldn't come so she sent her instead."

"So she's like a..." Benny starts.

"Don't say it." Althea warns.

"Substitute babe?" He says and she pushes him into the wall, HARD.

"You deserved that." Ethan laughs. Althea turns around and goes into the living room to look for Jane. She realizes she followed Sarah. She walks back to the kitchen to hear Benny threatening the pizza guy and Sarah fighting with Erica over the phone.

"I think she's crying, what did you say to her?" Jane asks and Althea does a double take.

"What did you do Ethan?" Althea questions.

"Althea!" Jane yells and runs up to her, giving her a big hug. She skips off to watch TV, dragging the older girl into the living room with her. She hears them scaring away Sarah and then talking about leaving and looks over at Jane, knowing they'll forget her. Jane looks back at her and gets up to storm into the kitchen.

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