Fun In Funeral

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"This was clearly foul play," I said trying to convince my brother what I knew to be true. It may have looked just like some hideous murder to the rest of them, but to me I knew that was a profiled hit. This was planned.

"But how can you be so sure?" Alastair continued to question me. "We don't know anything for sure."

I think it's because he doesn't want to admit to himself about what happened. I mean the one time we leave her alone she finds her father's severed head waiting for her, that's absolutely insane. Not to mention the thousand other questions it brings up, for instance I wonder how long they have been watching her?
My brother's knew the underground fighting scene quite well, but I was far more familiar with darker tones. I didn't get my nickname from bleeding, I got it from making others bleed.

This was all planned down to there detail. The body wasn't officially killed until maybe an hour before Ophelia showed up to her apartment, it still had some pink to the skin. So they had to have been watching her, waiting for her to be alone even just for a moment and then boom they would pounce.

"What are you thinking?" Alastair suddenly asks drawing me out from my thoughts.

"That someone must've been watching Ophelia closely in order for this to have worked out the way it did." I answer him honestly no reason to try and hide this from him, not like he wants to believe me anyway the coward.

Alastair rolls his eyes, "You're being paranoid. This was all just some freak- thing!" he shouts at the end, clearly frustrated with this particular topic of conversation.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe me!?" I begin to raise my voice now angry and behalf of Ophelia, her life was in danger and this asshole didn't want to believe it.

"Because it all sounds completely insane? Ophelia has no bearing in our world no one knows about her so tell me how this could all be happening?" He questions trying to cast doubt into my theory.

"No one knows about her?" I throw out a dark laugh, "Dear brother she was kidnapped, had a bounty placed on her head before Dominique got his filthy hands on her! They know about her, and whether or no you want to acknowledge it is up to you,"

I take a step away from Alastair for a moment and we both just stare at each other for a long while, the silence quickly becoming deafening. It doesn't last though because soon enough Maddox comes barreling through the door, me and Alastair look at him shocked, surprised and confused as to what the hell he's doing.

He's panting and breathing heavy as if he's just ran a full on marathon within the last five minutes. He was slightly sweating and his eyes kept glancing back and fourth, scanning the room.

"Somethings- Wrong with O-Ophelia" He manages to huff out.

Me and Alastair don't wait another moment and start heading out barely even waiting for Maddox to catch his breath and lead us to where she is.

"Come on she's this way, she said she was OK but I heard voices in there with her but there's no one else in the house with us, or there's not supposed to be at least." He explains quickly.

"Was it a man or a woman?" Alistair asked, and I wondered the same thing.


Maddox had brought us in front of the door that apparently lead to one of their living rooms. We stood outside the room quiet as we could be while trying to listen in. At first we couldn't hear much but suddenly a woman's laughter could be heard. But it was dark and cynical. Definitely didn't belong to Ophelia.

She could be hurt a moment later asking,"What do you want me to do?"

A woman's voice and a man's voice can be heard clearly, but the second I heard the man speak. I instantly recognized the voice and I knew exactly who it was. Dominique

Realization must've happened for Maddox and Alastair. The next moment they looked at each other and matching scowls of disgusts had made its way across their faces'.

I slowly reach for the handle, trying to twist the knob, gauging to tell whether or not it was locked or not. Unsurprised to me it was. They weren't going to just let us barge in at any time.
But that was OK with me. I've always wanted to kick a door down, it just looked so cool in the movies.

I gestured for Alastair and Maddox to back up a bit worried they would get in my way. They looked at me with confusion unsure of what I was about to do.  I backed up slightly just enough to give me some more momentum to open the door.

Then I took a deep breath, and using all my body weight and force, I threw myself into the door. Pain immediately shot up the entire side of my body, it protest at slightly, but in the end gave way and I managed to get through. Maddox and Alastair right on my heels.

I looked around the room and was met with a crying Ophelia something I never wanted to see on her face ever again, unless they were tears of joy, of course .

"Dominique!" Alastair yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. He proceeded to tackle the man with such speed and ferocity that I had never seen in him before. He knocked the gun out of Dominique's hand and dug his knee into his back and pressed the gun into the base of his skull.

I knew he knew how to use it, our father insured we know how to use every weapon with precise and deadly accuracy that I had no fear. The unknown woman, however who had been standing just off to the right of Dominique though scared me.
She was holding a gun as well, and oddly enough looked quite similar to Ophelia.

Maddox tried to be the voice of reason, he always hated conflict "Let's all just calm down. No one else has to get hurt." He said towards the women.

"Calm? You want me to calm?!" the woman screeched out, clearly impatient with the way things had turned out. I slowly moved in front of Ophelia to shield her from the woman, my arm spread out trying to hide her.

"Mom please put the gun down." She sobbed.
And that's when realization hit. That's why she looks so familiar... Then why was she holding a gun?

"And what do you think we can all just walk away from this? Someone has to go to jail for your father's murder. It's not going to be me." She said, her mind clearly spiralling.

"Please mom there's something else we can do. We can work this out please," She continued.
I had never heard Ophelia beg before and not even when she was tortured and captured by Dominique did she ever beg for mercy.

"No!" Her mother screeched once again. Only this time she began to raise her arm. The gun, which was pointed at Ophelia only moments earlier now his family pressed up against her temple. Her eyes were wide she looked around the room, gauging her choices and decisions. I held my breath, hoping she wouldn't do it. Ophelia began to sob even harder her small hands clutching the back of my shirt, realization of what her mother was going to do must've hit her.  She closed her eyes. Then bang!

Ophelia screamed out in utter horror and I turned to hold her, she began to sob and scream. I held her in my arms, holding her up. She begin to hit and slap at my body and chest. I let her get out whatever she needed to.

I didn't know what to say or do that would comfort her or make her feel any better, I wasn't sure there was anything I could. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby," I whispered into her hair, as she continued to cry.

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