Imprisoned Art

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"This is amazing! I'm surprised your house doesn't have an echo." I joke but in all honesty I was internally panicking about all this.

The walls had a basic tan or brown, but what really set it off was the gold accents that lined the walls. not to mention the giant fountain in the lobby, I let go of Alastair's hand to go over and inspect it not expecting to find fish in the bottom of the fountain. Little koi fish swam around as if they didn't have a care in the world.

I've never wanted to be a fish so badly in my life! Just beyond the fountain and the fish stood a set of stairs of stairs either one verging off in a different direction. There was a long red velvet rug that ran down each of them.

Huge ornate doors surrounded us and it took everything in me not to run around exploring each and every one of them like a child. I'm sure ill eventually figure out what each room is but for now this will have to be enough.

"So what's your big surprise, other than apparently your loaded?"
"Please, I'm not that rich and your surprise is just through this door," He says leading me through a door just off to the left of the fountain.

Which I couldn't be more than excited about, my curiosity was being somewhat satisficed. But when we walked through the door it was just another hallway filled with more doors.

"If this is your idea of a joke? Because if it is you may wanna look up the phrase 'huh?' in a dictionary." I snap at him.

"No, but now I know you have a vengeful side and can be mean when you want to be."

Okay now I'm staring to get fed up with all this, I normally love surprises when I actually get them! But making me run around a house like a chicken with its head cut off.

"I still don't get it. What is my surprise?!" I practically yell, I was promised something and damnit I want it!
"Me!" Maddox shouts as he pops out of nowhere.

I couldn't stop the blood curdling scream that escaped me, if anyone had heard me they would no doubt think I was being murdered. Honestly my heart probably thought I was dying as well. What was wrong with these guys?! I turned around to yell at Alastair but before I could, I was thrown over someone's shoulder, and starring at their butt. Granted it was a very nice butt, but come on, what the hell?!

more than anything I just wanted him to put me down! I hated when anyone picked me up, it always reminded me of how much I weighed, and I really didn't want these guys to know how fat I truly was.

I lifted myself up to try and figure out where we were going or who had picked me up in the first place. I say Alastair waving at me at the other end of the hallway, which meant Maddox was the one currently carrying me.

With a hard jerk to the right, which I figured out was him turning down another hallway. he came to a stop and finally put me back down on the ground. He spun me around to face him and I could only stare and gape, when I looked over at him he didn't even seem out of breath or even remotely tired.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" I ask making sure to clearly enunciate each word clearly.

"I'm stealing you," Maddox explains and he begins to tug me further down the hallway.

"What? Why?" I ask trying to hold back my laughter.
"Because I can."
"You're crazy."

Their house was absolutely massive, I had no idea how they could afford all this- oh wait! Yes I do.
First rule of fight club, never talk about fight club. Alastair rarely ever mentions it so I sorta just forgot about it.

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