See you at 8

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"Well what would like to happen?" Alastair asks.

How dumb does this man think I am? Most men think I'm rather stupid I don't know if it's because of my size or if it's because I'm a girl, but I've met hai type before and I'm going to enjoy putting him into his place.

"Answering my question with your own question, implying I have a choice but you already know what you want to do next... am I right?" I ask rather smugly knowing I hit the nail right on the head judging by the looking on his face.

We sit there for a minute or two just starring at each other trying to figure the other one out, at least that's what I was doing. A choking sound pulls me out of the trace I seemed to find myself in, and I glance over to watch Maddox struggle and ultimately fail to hide his laughter.

He tried a bit harder before it became to much for him.
Before long he was hunched over in his chair practically wheezing with how hard he was laughing. I shot a questioning look at Alastair hoping he would have an answer, but he was to busy mean mugging Maddox. Apparently Maddox was the more laid back one while Alastair seemed to have a stick permanently shoved up his ass.

After another minute, Maddox was finally calm- enough- though that can't be said about his brother. He looked down right murderous.
Okay then.

"Uh so what was that about?" I ask Maddox.
"Oh forgive me, it's just that-" he never finished his sentence because he started laughing again.
"What? What is so funny?!" I ask trying to remain serious but his laughter was becoming contagious.

"He's laughing because I was trying to manipulate you, and you saw right through me. Not a lot of people do, or even call me out when I do." Alastair explains not even slightly ashamed that he was in fact trying to manipulate me.

"So then what do you wang to happen?" I ask drawing us back to the topic at hand.
"Well personally I want to go back in time and make sure you never find out about any of this, but time travel won't be feeble for at least another 50 years,"Alastair says with an audible sigh at the end.

All I mange to do is raise an eyebrow at him, trying to determine if he was trying to be funny or not. I think he was, so acting purely on impulse I cracked a small smile and was pleasantly surprised when he greeted me with one in return.

But much too soon his smile was gone, and I was back to starring at his cold mask he wore.

"Okay so since that's not possible, for a while a least. Do we just pretend that never happened or move on with the knowledge...?" I ask hoping to prompt them into actually giving me a straight answer.

I wanted to know what I just got myself into but clearly this had never happened to them before, so they didn't know what to do. There was also the matter of, Ashley. I'd honestly almost forgot about her, but then I remembered I didn't get myself into this mess. She got me into it.

She knew almost everything I did, and while I could keep a secret- mostly because I didn't have that many friends to tell. But Ash was a hole other story, she lived to gossip and the way she gossiped was trading one secret for another. And I'm sure she would have no problem trading their secret for another.

Now usually I wouldn't care what happened to a teacher/professor but I actually kinda cared about them.

They seemed to be good guys, and what's wrong with making a little extra money  on the side. I'm not sure how much they get paid be it clearly can't be that much if they are doing this.

"I have an idea if anyone wants to hear it?" Maddox speaks up. Apparently he was all done with his laughing fit for now.
I look over at him curiously wondering what idea could have possibly pooped into his head. And by the look on his face he was quiet pleased with whatever he came up with. But with a quick glance over to Alastair he didn't want to hear any of what he had to say.

"Would you like to come see us fight?" He asks suddenly.
"Huh?" I blurt out not so gracefully.
"Yeah you could come with us to watch us fight, we'll pick you up around 8 and show you that what we do isn't all that bad." Maddox explains.

Before I have a chance at responding Alastair is quite rudely interrupting me.

"Excuse us I need to have a word with my brother," Alastair seems to grit out before storming out of the room dragging Maddox behind him.

I stare helplessly at the office door, wonder why on earth they didn't just talk in here and kick me out? For a few more minutes I sat there dumbfounded, not entirely sure what I should do.

Do I wait for them to come back?
Do I leave?
What do I do?

After another ten minutes of deliberation I finally decided to leave and head back home, and get ready for tonight. And if they decide they don't want me with them tonight the worst that can happen is that I get in a cute outfit and take some pictures.

My Thearaspist says it's good for me to look at myself in more positive ways. Loving myself both inside and out has been a challenge so far but ever since I've moved I think I've been doing better at it...


"Are you insane?!" I whisper yell at my brother, "why would you invite her to see us fight?" I would actually being yelling at him if I could but we were in the middle of one of the main lounge areas.
"Because I want her too- duh!"
"No. Just no, we're already in enough trouble with her knowing but actually inviting her... it's- it's suicide!"

"Calm down, what's the worst that could happen?"
"Well for starters we won't be with her the entire time so who knows what could happen to her in the crowd,"
"It was a rhetorical question," he mumbled. "Okay clearly nothing I can say will ease your worrying."
"I'm not worried about her," I deny, possibly too strongly.

The smirk that appears on his face tells me all to well it took my words the wrong way. I roll my eyes at his stupidity, "you're still going to invite her aren't you?" I sigh.
"Already did." He answers in a sing song voice reminding me that he did in fact already ask her back in my office.

Speaking of which, why didn't I just kick her out to speak with my brother? Why did I leave?

Great just great, this is exactly what I needed tonight. Now instead of focusing on the fight I'll be focusing on her, and if she's in any danger... not that I care about her in any sort of way other than my student.

Yes. I'm just worried about mine and my brothers reputation, if she decides to gossip to anyone about what she knows, who knows what'll happen.

"Also side note, what's the policy on dating students?"
"Frowned upon but not forbidden." I answer simply not realizing why he would ask that question.
"Wait. You're not actually thinking about asking her out? Are you?"
"Oh relax I'll share," he brushes off.

I just sit there starring at this man. Wondering how on earth we could be related... but I knew it must be true.

Me and my brother were only a year apart, me being the oldest. And we're pretty close by most standards, and we occasionally share the women we date. We do date separately, but when we fuck it's usually with just one women.

"Come on, I have a class in the next hour." Maddox says shaking me out of my inner monologue.
"Yeah okay," I mutter in reply.

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