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If you had told me before I'd started college that I would meet two extremely smart, handsome and wealthy bachelors that would be head over heels for me. Not only would I have laughed at you, I would've taken you to get you eyes checked and the proceeded to laugh even more.
But if you had told me that those two guys were also underground fighters, and tied up in some shady business or had somehow managed to piss off a mafia boss, I would've peed myself from how hard I would be laughing.

That sounds like complete and udder crazy talk, even having experiencing all that I still think it sounds insane. Like some crazy plot in a dirty romance novel... not that I would know anything about those.

My head was throbbing like crazy, it hurt so much that I could barely focus on the hushed voices around me. I was in some sort of vehicle, and my head was covered by something thick and dark, preventing me from seeing anything.

Since I'd regained consciousness I had yet to move out of my horribly uncomfortable position to not give away the fact that I'd woken up, but my head was making it difficult to stay quite. I was biting my tongue trying to stay quite.

"Boss wants her taken down on to the third level." A gruff voice suddenly says.

"Fine but you're helping me with her fat-ass," someone else says, and normally I would've been offended, but I was in too much pain to care.

We came to a screeching vault only a minute later, I listened carefully several doors opening and closing, trying to figure out what was going on around me without the use of my eyes. I felt several pairs of arms, grabbing me and lifting me up.

I did my best to hold still, to keep my body limp until they eventually stopped.
They dumped my body on the ground, my left side screamed out in agony as I released a moan. Someone began to straddle my side, gripping my tied wrist and quickly slicing them apart, before ripping the mask off my head.

I heard the slam of a door, not too far behind me, and I realized I was finally alone. I gently lifted myself into a sitting position and began to rub at my wrists. They were red from when they have been tied up tightly, it took some time for my eyes to finally adjust to the light again, but when they did, I found myself and some sort of cell.

I gently lift myself up off the concrete floor, try not to worry about what the smudges of red could be. I hesitantly look around, noticed a small caught type thing in one corner and oddly enough bucket in the other.

There's no window or any access to the outside, making me believe I'm somewhere deep in a basement.

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to join us, hello Ophelia." An all to familiar voice calls out surprising me.


"In the flesh-"

"What are you doing here? You work here don't you? This was all your fault!" I scream out at the end now realizing how stupid I've been.

"Of course, my job was to get close to the Vesper Brother, looking for any weaknesses that we could use to exploit them." She answers proudly.

"Man sounds kind of fruity to me, I mean willing to pay your entire tuition just so you could get closer to two dudes for him. Also sounds extremely desperate if you ask me." I mock, if she thought a few taunts and threats would honestly hurt or scare me- well its obvious somebody hasn't been doing all the proper research then.

I've had my fair share of bullies and Ash was no different than all the others, but I was different. I refused to be beaten down my anyone ever again even by my kidnapper, if I could survive my mother Ash couldn't have been all that scary.

While Ash sputtered for a response, I took the time to look over her, more importantly if and where she kept any keys on her. She must've been a small fish in this big operation because she didn't have a single thing on her. Unfortunate for me, because I easily could've fooled her into giving me the keys. Dumb bitch.

"Dominque isn't desperate." She spits out banefully.

"You so sure about that? Cause I've just been kidnapped as possible blackmail, that's not something someone with a lot of options usually does." I responded with vague uninterest.

Ash was about to no doubt follow up with something equally stupid, but a daunting pair of footsteps interrupted her. A look formed in her eyes told me whoever was currently walking in was no doubt the man behind my apparent kidnapped.

After another moment or two, a tall, heavy set man stepped in front of the bars to my cell. Well shit.

It was the same dude from the fight club, the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. This must've been the famous Dominque I've unfortunately heard so much about, the man currently responsible for the position I'm currently in. Yay.

"Welcome to my humble abode, I see you're making yourself comfortable." He greets in that same mockingly sweet voice as before.

"Not as much as you think," I grumble back in response.

"Sorry to hear that, please allow me to introduce myself, I'm Dominque. And you are Ophelia." He finished by somehow introducing me to me, letting me know he fully knew my name. When I said nothing in response, he finally looked over to where Ash had been standing quietly.

"Ashley have you been introducing yourself to our newest guest?"

"Yes, Daddy." she replies in that sweet voice she used to lure me in.

"Daddy?!" I screech out in surprise, well now I know where she gets her evil streak. "Dominque is you father! Well no wonder he was willing to pay your tuition then." I muttered that last part to myself, to startled by this news to throw anything else at Ash.

"Good, now she's finally quiet I was beginning to think she didn't have an off switch," Ash mutters to her father.

"Is she a chatty one?" Dominique asks suddenly interested.

"Oh definitely, we can get a lot out of her."

"Good, that's good." He says more than pleased by this new information.

"Hold up, wait a minute there's still one thing I'm confused about," I suddenly pipe in.

"Really only one?" Is Ash's reply.

"Shut up Ash. Were you actually my friend? I'm confused, I mean, if you were only using me, how did you know they would even go after me? There's a lot of holes in this plan." I blurt out.

Ash says nothing, except raise an eyebrow in my direction, while Dominique nearly smirks at my inquisitive nature. Don't know what he has to be so happy about, after all the second I get let out of this jail cell. My left knee is going to introduce itself to his balls.

"Wow you really are dumb..."

"So you don't know either you or you just blindly went along with your father's plan hoping it would work out?" I ask.

Ashley begins to sputter and stutter like a fish again, and based off of her reaction. I can tell I hit the nail right on the head.

"Enough of this back-and-forth, you and I are going to become very well acquainted over the next few days and you were going to tell me everything I want to know, understood?" Dominique stiffly asks.

I paused for a moment, and starred at him for the longest time.

"Eat shit!" I suddenly scream out.

"You'll be a fun one to break." Is all he says before turning and storming away, Ash closely following behind him.

The second I heard a door slam shut I let out a sigh of relief, I wouldn't let them see how truly terrified I was. My legs shook with the force of 1000, my anxiety was built up in the pit of my stomach, just waiting to burst. I didn't know what was going to happen. Honestly, I was too terrified to think about it.

I just survived one day this hell hole, I don't know if I'm going to survive the rest. I've never experienced torture, not physical, at least.

I took a deep breath, held it, and then released. I glanced back over at my cot and the bucket. This would be my new room for however, long it took. For them to either break me or for them to save me.

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