Secrets Reveled

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Things have been going really well this last week, almost every night I'd spent in the warm embrace of Alastair and Maddox. They made me feel so special and safe, but they also made me feel... alive. Like for the first time in my life I feel like I'm where I'm meant to be.

I know that sounds kinda cheesy like something you'd read in a romance novel right before it goes horribly wrong. But thankfully this isn't one, and this is amazing.

For so long I'd been terrified of what it would be like with my first partner, but they seemed to take away all these fears. And replace them with brand new ones... what? I'm only human after all. Being afraid is apart of life.

Today was different though, I hadn't spent last night with them. Unfortunately.

So this morning I woke up in my own bed, but I wasn't alone thankfully I had my three precious babies in bed with me. Wicca, Romeo and Salem were all cuddled up in bed with me. So even though I was alone I still woke up with a smile on my face, I had slowly sat up and reached over for my phone, eager to text my guys...

Man, I was already turning into a love sick fool.

Wanna get breakfast together this morning? I texted in our group chat.

Would love too but unfortunately we have a meeting with our boss. Alastair responded, punctual as usual.

For some reason Alastair was always so formal when he texted even though in reality he'd shown me more than a few times he could be quite playful.

Aww:( What about lunch?

Sure. Was the only reply I got back.

Well I may not get to have breakfast with them, but at least I get to have lunch with them. I roll out of bed and immediately go fill up my cats food and water dishes, knowing that if I didn't they'd be yelling at me the rest of the morning. Next I turn on my glorious coffee maker, and jump in the shower.

I chose a fairly simple outfit, just a cute, dark blue maxi dress. With a cute pair of dark blue flats that seemed to work well with my dress. After giving myself a once over in the mirror, I put my coffee in a to-go cup and head off to my morning class. Intro to Psych.

When I arrived at class I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched, hard.

I looked around the room, maybe it was just my imagination but I seemed to have somehow caught the attention of every person in the room campus. Surely my outfit wasn't that interesting. Right?

After my morning class, I planed on hiding away in either Alastair or Maddox and hiding out in their office for the rest of the day. As I walked down the hallway I couldn't help but notice the stares I was still getting.

"Whore!" A guy yelled from behind me. I turned to glare at him when I realized it was an entire group of people.

"Fuck off!" I screamed back before flipping them off and storming away.

My first instinct was to head straight for Alastair's or Maddox's classrooms, but they were too far away. Instead I found a surprisingly empty study room and decided I would wait here. I slammed the door shut, drawing the attention of a few people near me but I didn't care anymore, I was starting to panic and I needed to calm down.

I pressed back up against the door and slid down the frame towards the floor, I pulled my knees up and pressed my face into them. Willing the world to just disappear, my high school bullies voice now suddenly so prominent in my head, reminding me of the worst years of my life.

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