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I stood on their doorstep, just as I had time and time before, only this time I was hesitant to knock. I was worried, that perhaps Alastair and Maddox would be mad at me for this whole mess, they could be in jeopardy of losing their jobs after all. And its all my fault if I hadn't opened my mouth and blabbed about my relationship to Ash then word never would've gotten out, and none of this would be happening.

I brought my hand up to knock on the door, and before I lost my last bit of confidence I banged my fist against the hard door. I was almost hoping that they weren't home so that I wouldn't have to deal with this mess, but that was the cowards way out, and I wasn't a coward!

The door opened only a moment later to a very exhausted looking Maddox, and I can only imagine the stress he's been under to look like that, "Oh hey dove, what's up?" He asks with a yawn.

"Hey...? Uh are you two alright?" I hesitantly ask.

"Of course why wouldn't we be?" He responds with blatant confusion.

"Well its just that-"

"Oh! Before I forget what time would you like us to be their?" He asks suddenly cutting me off, I wanted to tell him off but I was more confused by his sudden question.

"Be where?"

"At dinner, you know for your parents, that is tomorrow isn't it?" He asks this time quite unsure of himself.

"Yessss... umm 6:30 works I guess?"

"Great! See you tomorrow muffin!"


The door closed before I could finish the rest of my sentence, I didn't even know what I was going to say. Dove? Muffin? Since when did he have all those pet names for me?

"What just happened? Who am I even talking to?" I ask myself.
I guess that means that all went well? Or they hate me so much they don't even want me in their house!? I mean why else wouldn't he invite me in?

And... I should probably stop panicking over reacting. They have lives too and if they have something important to tell me they would. They are the type of guy who just willingly hide stuff from me.

But they have before...
No, I'm not gonna go there. I'm just gonna go home. Get a good nights rest and pray that my parents plane gets hit by lightning.

I'd tossed and turned all night. In less than a few hours my parents were meant to be swinging by my apartment then going out to dinner with me. Now this wouldn't be too bad, except I wasn't the prime reason for their visit.
The new man in my life was.

I woke up this morning ready for it to be over already, even my cats didn't want to deal with the day as they were nowhere to be found. But I'm pretty sure they were probably sleeping peacefully, unaware of the suffering I was about to endure.

After a cold shower, to wake me up, and a quick breakfast, I spend the majority of the day lying around my apartment. I really didn't wanna do anything, no that's not true. I wanted to call Alastair and Maddox all day, but I had a refrained.

Instead, I focused on what could happen when my parents finally arrived.

I had decided that I would cause the least amount of problems with my mother, so I put on this hideously oversized dress she had bought for me a few years ago. I'm not even sure why I had it in my closet in the first place, and yet here it was. I grimaced as I looked over at myself in the mirror, even my cats had decided to go into hiding with how badly dressed I was. They had simply taken one look at me and made them self scarce, frankly, I'd like to hide too.

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