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"Ok. Todays the day," I was currently looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, trying to hype myself up I suppose.

Actually in all honesty I was some what excited for today, or maybe that was my anxiety trying to disguise itself, either way I was thrilled. I think. I mean I knew something no one else did, well except for Ash but I knew she wouldn't be telling anyone what she'd learned. It was kinda nice being in the inside of something.

I finish drying my hair in the bathroom before ultimately heading to the closet to pick out my outfit. I may be in deep shit, but I wanna look cute while I get yelled at.

I picked out some cute skinny jeans, and a cute baby blue top brighten my eyes. And then some blue boots the match the shirt nearly perfectly. With my outfit all picked out, I took a deep breath and headed out the door.

Luckily, for me, and my first class wasn't physics or aren't it was philosophy. OK, so not that lucky. I didn't mind philosophy necessarily, it made you think that's for damn sure. But at nine in the morning, I wasn't sure. I didn't actually want to think just yet. Especially about the world or a bunch of old dead white guys. Nobody wanted to think about a bunch of old dead white guys.

Usually I try to at least pay attention in Dr. Bertas class but today I just couldn't manage it. I was too busy stressing out about my next class. Physics.

My professor would have no problem with wanting to talk to me either before or after class. Which is why I was planning on only showing up two minutes before class is about to start that way he could possibly talk to me before class. Then the second he dismissed us I would run for the door not stopping until I got back to my apartment.

Sounded like a solid plan to me. There was no way it was gonna work....

Dr. Bertas released us a bit early then the class was supposed to go, but he said he didn't get a good nights sleep, and he couldn't possibly continue on with the lecture.
It was both a miracle and a curse.

Now I had no reason to be late, and I have nothing else to think about for the next half hour except for what was going to happen in my physics class. Half an hour just enough time for my anxiety to really rest up. And explode.

Those 30 minutes went by quicker than I ever thought possible and soon enough I was hiding in the back of my physics class. Now it could've been my imagination, but I could've sworn that almost every five minutes my professor would glance over at me.
Me. Little old knows something she definitely shouldn't me.
It must've been my imagination, he shouldn't have been focusing on me. He should've been focusing on the rest of the class. But there was one other thing. Why did I like his attention so much? And why did I want more of it?

Soon the class was over, and I hadn't learned that damn thing. I was too busy focusing on my professor instead of the class.

"Miss Adam's, can I have a word with you?" My physics professor asked, before walking over to the door that lead into his office.


Guess my plan to stay hidden and blend in until they ultimately forgot about my existence went tits up. I took a deep breath before hesitantly dragging myself over to were his office was located.

My hand hung in the air in a fist position, I prepared to knock be for reason just couldn't bring myself to actually knock. I seemed to stand there for an eternity when in actuality, it may have just been a minute. The longest minutes of my life. No, that's not true. Longest minute of my life was waiting for my mother to read my acceptance letter, to tell me wether or not I got into my top choice school.

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