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Sleep managed to evade me for most of the night, I tossed and turned on the soft and warm bed. I was finally sleeping on something other than the cold hard floor, so why wasn't I actually sleeping?!

As I rolled over once again, I noticed that the sun began to slowly shine through the window penetrating the curtain, with a groan I rolled over in the opposite direction and closed my eyes. Hopping that I would be able to fall asleep soon, but as the room got brighter I realized that my chances of falling asleep were dwindling away.

But that wasn't the only thing I had noticed.

It was weird. My body seemed to be having some sort of reaction, as if my muscles were made out of static. While at the same time I could finally feel each of one of my individual muscles relaxing. As if this entire time I'd been clenching them, and I was finally able to have some peace.

I released a long breathe out, and little pin pricks of pain began to spread up my legs. Spreading up my stomach and along my arms and back. Then suddenly those little pinpricks of pain we're not so little anymore.
It's soon began to feel like my entire body was being set on fire, being cut open 1 million times mean dipped into lemon juice. And then rolled around in salt.

I screamed out in pain, all the adrenaline from the last few hours seemingly wearing off all at once. I began to feel the pain from everything over the last few days. The cuts, the burns all the abuse seemingly magnified in this moment.

I could faintly see Bleeder jump up in a dazed panic scanning the room for any possible threats, but when he found none his eyes quickly found mine.

"Hey! Hey what's wrong?" Bleeder asked as he rushed over to where I was.

"It hurts!" I screamed out. Everything hurts! Why won't it stop?!

Before I could protest or stop him Bleeder was picking me bridal style and bringing me into the bathroom, he sat me down on the toilet and walked away from me. My head felt heavy as I hunchted my body over, while silent tears still continued to drip down my face and land on my upper thighs.

The room seemed to sway and my vision began to give up with the rest of my body. But I thought I could faintly hear running water in the background of my sobs. Bleeder crouched down in front of me making me eye level with him, his calculating eyes seemed to soften ever so slightly.

Bleeder helped me stand up and was holding me steady, he was looking deep into my eyes. Eyes that I knew too well...
But that wasn't what I was supposed to be focused on, his mouth was moving, speaking. And yet I couldn't understand or hear- it was only then that I noticed the loud ringing in my ears, and yet I still numbly nodded my head.
Bleeder began to quickly undress me, I wanted to fight back to throw him off of me but I just didn't have the strength or the energy left to fight him. My sobs began to get worse until my entire body was shaking so hard it seemed to rattle me all the way down to my bones.

Bleeder then picked me up and gently placed me in, hot water?

I opened my eyes quickly to find that I was now sitting in a warm bubble bath. The light sprinklings of bubbles helped cover me up, it made me feel more comfortable especially with the fact that Bleeder was sitting right next to me. With only a side of the porcelain tub diving the two of us.

"Don't get any ideas." I ground out trying my best to be as threatening as possible.

"Please I'm a gentlemen," Bleeder replies with mock offense and surprise.

"That's what they all say," I whisper and then a bit louder I said, "Besides I doubt I have anything of interest to you

"You don't know my type," Bleeder grumbles back.

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