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I was strapped to a chair alone- no, not alone, I was strapped to a chair with a sadistic man named Bleeder. He wore a grin that would rival that of the Joker's, but with him this close, I could see his features now.

He had silver eyes, or maybe they were so blue they just looked silver? He had tattoos peeking out from everywhere. They crawled all the way up his neck, even a few on the side of his face. He also had scars. So many scars peeking in and out behind the tattoos. So he tried to hide some of them while others he wore blatantly.

He had one across directly over his eye, the left one. Though it didn't seem to impair his vision or anything. And in a haunting way he looked somewhat beautiful...Tragically beautiful.

He gripped the back of my hair, causing a sharp pain to spread through my head. He began to speak to say something, I began to tune him out the only thing that I noticed were how his features looked familiar. I couldn't place them however, some black dots started covering my field of vision.

And his voice became murmured, I began to close my eyes slowly. Only to flinch and open them quickly. He wasn't letting go of my hair. I wanted to know what he was saying wanted to prepare myself it was going to happen.

But I just couldn't, the darkness was far to welcoming, it was warm, gentle someone I knew, loved even. The light, it seemed to only bring me pain as of recently, so I think I was going to stay with the dark for a while. With that my neck muscles began to strain, my head becoming far too heavy for me to hold up by myself I slumped forward, welcoming the darkness with open arms, the warmth spreading through me.

When I open my eyes, I expected to be strapped to a chair again, or even in my cell. I've never blacked out for that long anyway, I fully expected to still see Bleeder standing in front of me.
Instead, when I woke up, I was outside, looking out over a beautiful pond. There were fish, turtles, ducks, and even if you swans swimming around in the pond.

I was sitting on a park bench, I looked around to see if I could find anything familiar about this place, but there wasn't anything I remembered.

I looked over at the person next to me, and almost had to take a double take, it was- it was my father.

"Dad! Is that really you?" I asked in pure disbelief. He looked so much younger, he looked happy like when I was a kid. Before the events of my parents marriage had made him tired and strained.

"Hello sweetheart, I'm so sorry about all that's happened." he gently apologized something I've never heard him actually do. Maybe I was dying? Or maybe I was already dead, and this was just my mind trying to ease me into it?

It was odd seeing him here, nowadays, anytime I saw my father it was usually companied with dread and my mother. It was never pleasant seeing him, but for some reason right now, it was like it was OK, like I was gonna be all right.

"Why is this happening? What caused all of this? And I don't mean to seem rude, but why do I see you not Maddox or Alastair?" I asked him.

"My little girl, always so filled with curiosity and questions. Every kid goes through that stage where they can't seem to stop asking questions you just never seem to grow out of it."

He lightly smiled, seemingly thinking back to the days of my childhood. I tried not to remember them too often they always seem to depress me in one way or another. Childhood wasn't bad at least not the beginning of it. Something happened between my mother and my father to change everything between them, something even I couldn't remember. 

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