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Kohl-stained eyes, lips adorned with a beautiful smile, clad in her favorite hijab and abaya, Rafa chirped, "Get out, get out."

"Patience, my dear," Yahya warned, shushing his impatient sister. He tenderly picked up three-month-old Fahad from the baby seat. "I understand that you are going to reunite with someone very dear to you, but have some patience. You will wake him up."

"I cannot be patient anymore," Rafa said, bouncing on her heels while trying her best to keep her tone a whisper. Little Fahad was a light sleeper like his father, waking up at the slightest sound.

Anjum, now Yahya's wife, got out of the other side of the car and laughed at the tactics of the siblings.

Behind them, in the wide courtyard, the masjid had organized a fundraiser that afternoon to raise funds to help the poor and needy. It was a small exhibition where people had set up stalls of food, games, and arts and craft activities for children. The whole definition of the place gave away clear enjoyment along with earning rewards on the cart of their good deeds.

As Yahya stopped next to her, carrying the carry-cot, Rafa couldn't control the adrenaline that rushed through her veins. Jumping up and down like a kid entering a carnival, she ran her eyes over the exhibition, looking for Abdur Rehman.

"Your excitement is contagious," Anjum whispered, glancing at the magnificently arranged fair.

"Love does that to you, doesn't it?" Rafa chided, sending her sister-in-law a knowing look. From the corner of her eye, she saw Yahya blush lightly. The couple had been married and living together for a few weeks now, but were as bashful around each other as they had been in their crushing period.

"Shall we start with getting something to eat?"

"Sure! I am sure we will find my hubby around there somewhere." Rafa started to glide towards the stalls, leaving the newlyweds to bring along her baby.

She had spent the past two days at her parents' house, spending time with them before they set out for their dawah adventures across the world. It had only been two days, but the need to be with her husband was weighing down on her. They hadn't left each other's side in months. All throughout the delivery and postpartum care, Abdur Rehman had been with her, caring for her. While her mother-in-law had been dotting on the baby day and night, spending whatever time she could before jetting off to Ireland, where she would be spending half the year from now on with Abdur Rehman's sister, Manahil, who had requested her to come assist in raising her three sons.

Rafa was thoroughly enjoying her present, and had high hopes for the future.

"Oh look! I see Maahi and Shabna!" Anjum exclaimed, excitedly pointing to the couple who stood with a stroller and their sons across a dessert stall.

"I think I see Ali," Yahya commented, recognizing a familiar form.

Great, everyone other than my hubby is here. Rafa mused, frowning. He had promised to be on time.

"Come Rafa, let's take a stroll, maybe we'll find Abdur Rehman on the way," Yahya suggested.

"Yeah, it'll be entertaining for Fahad too," Anjum insisted.

All three glanced at the baby slowly waking up in the carrier. His colored eyes fluttered open behind his dark lashes. They glazed over as he noted the faces looking at him.

"My baby!" Rafa cooed, stopping him before he started crying.

Around them the sounds of joy were loud yet not unpleasant. People were talking animatedly in groups, discussing the food choices, laughing, and having a good time. Children ran from one corner of the lot to the next, going on the inflatable jumping castle and arcade games.

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