Twenty One

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Assalamu alaikum. In shaa Allah! Me and Saroosh are planning to focus on this book and complete it. For that, we need your motivation too. Even a like, a small smiley comment, a heartfelt note on how you like this story would mean a lot. Please oblige.


"What?" Rafa exclaimed, staring at his back.

"Good night, Rafa." His voice was gruff, with a note of finality to it. "I'm going to check on Mama. She needs me."

I need you too.

She didn't say anything for several minutes, watching him leave without looking back. A numbness enveloped her, taking away her rage like the breeze that slipped through the open window. Her love for him was far greater than the dissimilarities between them. His words enraged her, his ideas about her not understanding caused her pain, but it all disappeared when she saw him. When she realized they were in the same room, why they were in the same room.

They were in love with another, and that outweighed everything else.

The gurgling sound of the fish in the water reached her ears, making them perk in alarm, and a wave of realization ran through her neurons.

She paced toward the large fish tank that she had grown used to. With its yellow coral decorations, live plants and colorful pebbles, it was a wonderful sight. She stared at the fish which her beloved adored. Gabs, the golden colored beauty swam through the pristine blue water with so much elegance that immersed in its charm, Rafa didn't know when her ocean blue eyes pooled with water, she only realized when one of the adamant droplet cascaded down her cheek.

She gently wiped it away and leaned her forehead on the fish tank, closing her eyes. She loves him. So much.

The eerily quiet night reminded her of the first night she had spent in this place. In this particular room, and how she had fallen asleep on the bed in an uncomfortable position; lonely.

And the following nights of glory, the laughter filled chatters the couple had, the trying to be silent romances they had had under the blankets, the sun rises they had awakened together and of the sun sets they have enjoyed together.

Dwelling on the beautiful memories she shared with Abdur Rehman, Rafa thought of all the incidents of the night. Maybe, just maybe she should have given him an option to consider? Did she force her desires on him?

Her mind rejected the plea, claiming that it doesn't make sense. At least in her perspective.

The loneliness creeped into her bones but her optimistic self didn't give up hope. Things will get back on track, she thought. He will come back to her, hug her to sleep. She didn't disappoint him. She consoled herself.

During those valleys of thoughts, she went into sleep only waking up to see Abdur Rehman sleeping beside her.

In order not to wake him up so soon, she quickly switched off her ringing alarm for tahajjud. She wasn't a keen prayer of that particular salah but ever since Allah has granted her dream to become true, after getting married, she had made a habit to wake up at least at the last ten minutes before fajr to thank her Lord for her husband.

She still admired to always dwell in slumber and then again, that particular night, she felt a need to ask her Rabb for her help. To always stabilize their differences and to never wither the blooming flower of love they shared together.

After praying both the prayers, Rafa retired back to bed and only a few minutes later, when she was reciting her morning set of supplications, Abdur Rehman's alarm started to ring. As the form beside her stirred in sleep, Rafa's whole body felt tingles of anxiousness on how to meet him after their first ever disapproval on a family matter. Not knowing how to react, she closed her eyes shut. Pretending to sleep.

Sparks of Love ☑Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora