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I clambered the terraneous climb to the peak of today

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I clambered the terraneous climb to the peak of today

only for it to last a moment before the slippery fall into tomorrow,

an inverse relationship I believe,

the more I achieve, the harder I fall,

the more I laugh, the more heartache I receive,

joy is an illusion that the masses yearn for,

a dream within a dream that may never become reality

No matter how much humanity denied it, the world functioned on love. Love for one's Lord made you wake up before dawn to bow down in submission. Love for one's family was what made you go through a strenuous day of labor for livelihood. Love for one's desires was what motivated you to sacrifice your energy—and at times wealth. Love for luxuries and eternal happiness was what made you strive for Heaven. Love was what made the transient world revolve—the love the earth had for the Sun for it to orbit around it. Love made you act unlike yourself, love made you a different person, love made you reach the heights of self-sacrifice.

And it was a lesser form of love, infatuation, that made Abdur-Rehman change his usual running route and instead head towards the hospital Dr. Miller worked in. He wasn't sure why he was going there, he wasn't sure what his motivations were behind it, but before he knew what he was doing, his feet were taking him to the place he had first met her.

The bright lights of the white building glowed eerily in the dark night. The automatic doors opened with a whoosh everytime someone entered or exited, spraying them with air.

Abdur-Rehman watched the cycle with his beady eyes, standing across the door yet still on the sidewalk parallel to the main road.

He didn't know when Dr. Miller's shift ended, or started for that matter. Yet he stood and hoped to see her.

A nurse in a neon yellow windbreaker over her scrubs exited the hospital and made her way towards her car. She gave him a questioning look, snapping him out of the trance he was in.

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