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Grabbing the pleats of her abaya, she let her socks-covered feet step over the lush carpets of the masjid's flooring. Her eyes landed on the dua that was pasted on one of the walls—the dua for entering the masjid. She recited it quietly and looked over the few women who were seated in the corner.

A happy smile plastered her lips at accomplishing her small goal; reaching the Friday prayer earlier than usual. She said the takbeer and focussed on completing two rakah, the prayer that should be prayed after entering the masjid.

Finishing it in a few minutes, she walked over to the women, her vision easily recognizing the faces. She scooped two year old Khathija and sat her over her lap, "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu," she greeted Shabna, gleefully.

Shabna replied to her salaam with the same amount of enthusiasm and enquired Rafa about how she is. "Alhamdulillah! I am doing fine, what about you?"

"Alhamdulillah! Too, with kids keeping me company, I don't know how my time is passing."

"Masha Allah," Rafa chanted, kissing Khathija on her cheeks.

The sound of the mike grabbed everyone's attention and they all sat straight as the khutba (sermon) for the Friday prayer started.

The Imaam praised Allah subhanu wa ta'ala, sent blessings to the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wa Sallam), and then he read a few ayah's from the Qur'an and then the ahadith related to the topic of discussion.

"Do you all know that a small good deed of yours can weigh the scales in a tremendous quantity?" He started.

"Today's topic of discussion is Husn-e-Akhlaq," the Imam continued to explain the beauty of good character and how it defines the beauty of the person. White or black, tall or short, rich or poor, aged or young, if the heart is pure then the body is too. The whole lecture was eye-opening to many points of life. How we should live and how we are living.

"There are four natures of good characters (Akhlaq), the last and the least one is oppression. There are so many people who rejoice to do zulm over their kith and kin. They are of the worst category, they are the ones who hold the title of oppressors. The third level of people are the ones who see oppression with their own eyes. They know that what those people are doing over the weak is completely wrong, and yet they sit idle and watch the folk-play with their lips sealed. These people don't have good character in them and they are the ones who will receive Allah's punishments.

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