XXVIII. Wedding Night

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The night of the Wedding had arrived and everyone was slowly gathering at the grand Hall. A huge feast would be thrown for the newlyweds, followed by music, dancing and endless wine.

Naelys was still in the bath, refusing to leave the waters even though she could feel them getting colder as time passed. She was not ready to go out and talk to people, let alone now that Daemon was here.

Her mind kept replaying the ending of their little spar, his body lay beneath her and she could feel it reacting to her quite noticeably. The angle of his face as he lay there, his sort white hair spread around him and the way his eyes looked at her with all that desire and lust.

She was snapped from her thoughts by Allyria, who had arrived with a silk robe to cover her and lead her back into the main room since it was time for her to get ready.

"Are you excited for the wedding, Naelys?" she asked as she helped the Dragoness wear the robe, her wet hair falling on her back and sticking to the material.

"In a way, although I am not very keen on wearing yet another dress" she explained, being fully open to the sweet and understanding Dornish girl.

Allyria seemed to smile in amusement as she led her mistress inside. "Perhaps, you will change your opinion upon seeing the dress," she said, earning a lifted eyebrow from her.

"Allyria....what did you do?" she asked, finding herself to be quite curious now and even slightly worried, despite all the trust she had in the foreign girl.

"Just helped with what you told me," she said with the most innocent smile.

Naelys needed a few moments to focus her brain and she quickly realized what she was referring to.

For it was almost a week if not longer, before the wedding would take place. Naelys knew she had to wear a dress and while the ladies of the court tried hard to suggest her a few colours or ideas, she didn't truly feel them.

She had spent her evening inside, choosing to be away from everyone and just think. Allyria had brought her food and the two of them shared the big plate, while she confessed to her the feelings she had.

"All those dresses...it just doesn't feel like me. I want for once, to wear a dress that I feel like showing off. I want a dress that will go against what those ladies think and make others jealous; just once you know" she had told her as her mind wondered.

Naelys never truly had dresses of her own for she never favoured them. She was always in pants and a tunic unless she had to wear a dress due to some special occasion. Usually, it would be other ladies of the court, the deceased queen or Aliscent that would arrange that for her. Yet, none of those dresses truly made her feel like herself.

After Daemon had brought her to watch the satyric play and it was revealed to her how the world saw her, she felt the need to prove them wrong. She felt the need to show off as well for once, but be able to do it her way without exposing the mark she was born with.

Naelys had talked to Allyria about it but she never expected that the Dornish girl would actually take her words seriously, let alone help prepare a dress for her. Upon her eyes falling on it, she found her mouth opening and her eyes opening wide at the sight.

"Allyria...I...wow..." she exclaimed, her fingers trailing upon the soft fabric and the design on it.

"Just wait, I know exactly how to style your hair," the handmaiden said with a smile, placing both her hands on her shoulder and her chin on it as well. "This was made by a Dornish man, who has recently opened his shop in King's Landing. He says his inspiration comes from the women of the East, where fashion is different from the World of the West"

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