XI. Life at Driftmark

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Months passed since the Death of Queen Aemma and her newborn son, Baelon. Months that felt like years for many who resided in the Red Keep.

The festive moods of the Royal family had long been gone, along with their beloved Queen. The king remained isolated, focusing on meetings with his small council and barely socialising. He could not find a way to communicate with his daughter or Naelys, leaving the two girls to support one another.

The death of her mother forced Rhaenyra to quickly lose the smile she usually carried or the happy mood she was known for. She spent hours riding her dragon or staying in her room, always wondering how much her father hated her for being a girl.

Naelys tried her best to comfort and be there for the younger Targaryen but was often pushed to the side in moments of anger and grief. At the same time, Aliscent spent a lot of time lately with the king, leaving the two girls alone. On top of that, with Daemon gone, the Dragon Whisperer felt...alone.

All she could do was train her sword skills against Ser Harrold or ride her dragon, but the red keep started to feel more and more like the prison she was once held in as a child. The need to get away grew bigger and bigger and in the end, she did something drastic.

She sent a raven to Princess Rhaenys, requesting if she could visit Driftmark for a while. The response of the Targaryen lady came soon after, welcoming her to join her family and even having a small message to persuade her cousin.

After many efforts and begging, and with some backup from Aliscent; the king gave in. The very same hour she was allowed to leave, she was already on top of Nissera and headed towards Driftmark.

Rhaenyra was not happy with that decision but Naelys reassured her it was for a while, just a small escape to help find herself after everything that occurred. It was clear in her eyes that she felt betrayed but understood, in the end, that the older girl needed that.

Those months had taken a toll on her as well, something visible by the dullness of her silver hair and the dying flame in her eyes. The smirk she usually had was long gone and the Princess could not remember when last she saw her smiling like she used to.


Life at Driftmark indeed helped Naelys find her old self and regain that sense of belonging. Laenor and Laena were ecstatic to have her over, spending countless hours with her as they explored the castle and the nearby beaches.

Lord Corlys was pleased to see her again, testing her memory on what he had taught her and hearing her latest readings on military naval history.

Princess Rhaenys was happy to see the young Dragon Whisperer and the effect she had on her children. Hearing them laugh as they talked and played, acting as if they were true siblings and not distant relatives with one another.

Of course, there were a few moments that she did not approve of. Like Naelys taking Laena for dragon riding on top of Nissera with no saddle. Or the small tricks she tried to teach Laenor to handle his dragon and improve his riding style.


Naelys lost count of how many weeks she was on Driftmark. The days there didn't matter and she didn't count them, as each was better than the previous one. She kept exchanging Ravens with  Aliscent, Rhaenyra and of course, Daemon; her only reminder that things were changing and moving on around her.

"Watch out!" Laena shouted snapping Naelys from her thoughts.

The two of them were riding Nisssera bareback as per usual. The 14-year-old had her arms tightly wrapped around Naelys' waist for support as they flew and the old dragon did her best to make the flight easy and enjoyable.

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