XXVI. An Unexpected Guest

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It was the day of the wedding and preparations were in order. Servants rushed to finish everything, the cooks ran to have the feast ready in time and all kinds of guests from the big houses arrived.

The people were excited, always enjoying a big wedding and with Rhaenyra now having a husband; being the Heir did not seem that bad in their eyes. Especially when she would manage to produce a male heir to take the throne at the right age.

It was barely noon and while most were inside finishing the preparations or getting ready, like Rhaenyra; some had chosen to let out some steam and enjoy the good day.

Laenor, Joffrey and Naelys were at the training grounds with a few other men. By then, the Dragon Whisperer did not care what the others would say and if some chose to speak back, the Captain of the City Guard would interfere; if he found it was needed.

For Ser Harwin came to realize that Naelys could handle everything on her own and rarely needed any help or assistance. He respected that and chose not to interfere unless he found it necessary. That was something she was thankful for, glad that there was someone that realized she was not a damsel in distress and never would be.

It was a 2 vs 1 spar, using simple wooden training weapons. The two secret gay lovers worked together and tried to disarm Naelys but she was simply too stubborn to let them. Thanks to some help from Ser Harwin, she had become an even more formidable opponent.

The sound of wooden blades hitting against one another echoed across the grounds and many men, soldiers and knights had stopped and watched in amusement. They expected Naelys to lose badly but were surprised when she kept pushing the two men back with the ferocity of an animal.

During one attempt, the two men tried to attack her simultaneously from each side; swinging their blades horizontally. However, Naelys saw it coming and was ready for them. She used the muddy ground beneath her to slip slightly, bending her knees forward and pulling her upper body back.

The two wooden weapons passed above her face by inches and collided with one another instead as she got her attack ready. Placing both hands on the ground, she used her momentum to lift her legs and kick each one of them on the chest; sending them back.

Laenor took a moment longer to recover, almost losing his balance but regaining it in the last moment. Joffrey, on the other hand, had a better stance and quickly recovered before attacking her again.

Naelys was back on her feet and gripped the sword with both hands, quickly blocking his first attack, and then his second and the one following right after it. Each attempt of his was futile, for she never let him even come too close to her.

In one last attack, their blades met and their bodies had come significantly closer. Naelys smirked as she started to add more pressure on it, going as far as taking it a step closer to him. Joffrey tried to hold resistance but the faint mud beneath them made it hard, his boots slowly losing the battle.

Using her short frame, Naelys brought her other leg forward and with better momentum she pushed his blade up. His chest was exposed and she wasted no time to deliver a strong kick on his upper chest, causing the young man to fall on his back and lose grip of his sword.

At the same time, Laenor charged with a war cry to defend his lover but she blocked his attacks. She was using one hand, for her dear cousin kept trying to attack her from the side or back; not giving her enough time to turn and face him head first.

She could feel her hand sweating and each strike against her wooden sword was weakening her grip on it, which meant that she had to act fast. The crowd around them started to be more interested, clearly wanting to see her lose and that was the motivation she needed.

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