
443 13 17

Y/n's POV

My eyes opened, and I grunted from the minor headache I had. I blinked multiple times, my vision becoming clearer each time.

I sat up and looked around, the room looked familiar but it wasn't my room. That's when I noticed the orange and white electric guitar in the corner and the blue and black gaming chair on the other side near the bed.

Okay what the fuck happened last night and how did I end up here.  The room door opened, showing Miguel coming back inside he stared at his phone and had a water bottle in his other hand.

I stood up giving him a small smile, "Good morning," he looked up from his phone

"Good Morning," Miguel sternly said handing me the water

"What's wrong," I took the water from him

"Nothing" He said

"Miguel, what's wrong, I know that face," I told him giving him a light smile, he rolled his eye looking away from me

i placed the water bottle down, and walked closer to him, "Did i do something" I asked


"Why are you lying to me,"

"Oh you wanna talk about people lying" He mumbled

I gave him a confused look, then pieces of my memory started to come back Remmy and I met up with some of her friends we hung out and then I took some random pill, but after that I couldn't remember anything else.

"What happened with you and remmy last night,"  he questioned

"We went to a party and had a few drinks and stuff with her friends, Where is Remmy ?" I asked him

"Oh I couple of friends and few drinks?," his eyebrows furrowed and he folded his arms

"Yeah," I gave him a fake smile and nodded

"Oh so you weren't on some random fucking pill that was making you hallucinate or whatever and drooling on some random guy"

"How-, I dont remember everything I know I took some pill but drooling over some guy, I don't remember that-"

"Y/n don't fucking play with me right now,"

"Excuse me,"

"You were all up on some dude in a tight ass red shirt yes or no, calling me his name last night,"

" are you serious"

"Yes or no,"

"I DONT REMEMBER MIGUEL, I was out of it I blacked out, and if you talking about cook-"

"Oh so you do remember,"

"Can you let me speak," he shook his head not wanting to here what I had to say,

"I don't wanna here it, is this why you've been acting so different because you found a new boyfriend," he accused me

"What no, no,no,NO," I could see his jaw slightly open while he shook his head, "I'd just met him last night,"

"That easy to just trust anyone,"

"Remmy knows him,"

"So," he shrugged

"Clearly I am that easy to trust people, we started dating with in months of knowing each other," Miguel didn't bother to look at me, " if this is why you think I've been acting distant then you should stop thinking that,"


I sat down on the bed feeling the water works coming in from the corner of my eye i could see Miguel look at me. And so i told him, I told him everything. My died sister, my parents divorce, the dad thing.

I looked at his face, my vision some what blurry from the crying. It seemed as if he felt bad, he walked closer to me trying to give me a hug but I quickly stood up and moved.


"Y/n im sorry,"

"I know but I just can't Miguel you just accused me of cheating on you,"

"I know and I was wrong but y/n last night you said and I know you don't remember, 'sometimes I just wanna end things with him', and you were willing to tell that to a stranger then talk about it with me,"

"See this exactly I can't do this,"

"Do what,"

"Be with you, all I do is hurt you,"

"But you don't hurt me,"

"By not communicating it is hurting you think I'm doing things I would never do and I don't want to feel like someone's responsibility and I feel like that's all I am to you,"

"But you aren't,"

"But that's how I feel,"

"Okay so what can I do to make you not feel like that,"

"You can't fix it I have to fix that problem,"

"But I don't understand why we have to end things for you to do that,"

"Because I'm care free when I'm with you I'm not focused on reality,"

"Your saying that like your in some type of rush to grow up,"

"But that's how life works,"

"And I will be there to help you,"

"But it doesn't help," I stared balling my eyes harder, I didn't know how to tell him that I'm mentally fucked. "It's me Miguel im the problem I'm used to getting what I want a happy ending but now I'm realizing it isn't all about me so that's what I need to change,"

"But why can't I be with you while you do whatever it is you have to do,"

"Because," I could barely get the words out, " because I don't wanna be perfect all the time and when I'm with you I feel like I have to be,"

"Y/n give me a real reason,"

"Miguel your making this harder for me please stop," my chest was tight and I could barely could control my breathing. I felt like I was letting everyone down, my family now Miguel. I figured I was the problem.

Almost cried

My cousin gave me this idea she got mad at the chapter before this one she was like, " you didn't add any of the stuff I told you too," so now I did  cause she wouldn't stop complaining 😒

thanks for the idea ❤️

I gotta wake up in  8 hours to get ready for the FIRST Day of school AHHHHH 😭😭

Mwah 💋

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