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Y/n's POV

I woke up earlier then usual because the girls had to leave in order to get ready for school. I looked at the time on my phone seeing it said 5 am. Great I could get at least one more hour of sleep.

"Bruh, what the fuck" I heard someone say I groaned as I rolled over light hitting my eyes.

"Y/n"  I groaned louder as I felt disturbed.

I rubbed my eyes, my vision started to look clear. I got out of bed making my way to the bathroom. Miguel stared at his face in the mirror then look at me. I started to laugh seeing all the stuff on his face from last night.

"Best way to wake up"

"Y/n what the actual, why, when"

"Last night" I said as I grabbed my toothbrush

Miguel started to look closer, "who did this" he pointed to the penis on the side of his mouth

"I did" I started laughing harder

He sucked his teeth he grabbed  a rag and started scrubbing his face in the sink beside me as I brushed my teeth in the other one.

"It's not coming off" Miguel said

"Yes it is, look" I pointed" just scrub harder" I patted his shoulder.

We made our way into school,

"Hello" Lilly and Andrew appeared

"Yo I will never be staying over ever again when you have sleepovers" Miguel whined

"Oh I'm guessing you saw what we did to your face" Lily chuckled  "Im just happy it wasn't me that time"   Lily said

"Wait what" Andrew said confused

"Look, we took pictures" I grabbed my phone out of my pocket

Miguel groaned as I showed them the photos and videos of us drawing on Miguel's face. Andrew, Lily and I laughed.

"We better get to class" I said as the first bell rang , we split up.

Time Skip //

"Truth or dare" Mia asked Andrew

"Truth" Andrew said

"Have you gone down on lily, and where"

"I told you the answer to this" Lily covered Andrews ear as she smiled

"I heard your answer to this not his" Mia laughed

We all sat in the den at Dions house. We studied did our homework and we're currently in a rated r game of 'Truth or Dare'.

"I gotta tell them" Andrew tried not to say anything, but he gave in "Yes, in Dion's parent's room last weekend while Remmy was drunk n knocked out in there bathroom"  Dions eyes widened while the rest of us laughed

"I knew it I heard you guys" rem said

"Well that sucks for Tasha and Ryan" Dion spoke of his parents

"Y/n truth or dare" Andrew asked

"Dare" I squinted my eyes in a pkayful way

"Switch close with any person of your choice" Andrew told me

I looked around the room at everyone's clothing "I wanna wear a lettermen jacket" I told Andrew

Andrew and I got up running to the bathroom and swapping outfits. I walked out first holding the pants because they were really baggy. Andrew then walked out the bathroom, us being able to see his underwear

"The pants are to small" He pouted, we laughed at him

It was Miguel's turn "Miguel truth or dare" Lily asked

"Uhh truth"

"At which base are you and y/n, first bases including; holding hands, and kissing, second base; heavy making out, touching above the waist, third base; thigh touching, neck kisses, thigh riding, fourth base; having sex" Lily explained

Everyone immediately looked at Miguel, he looked up at the ceiling trying to think. I already knew the answer of course, "second base"  he smirked

"Okay we're getting somewhere" Mia smirked looking at me

"Naw cause if you said first base I was about to go off" Dion spoke with a chuckle

"For a second I thought he was gonna say third," Andrew said

"Naw we leave that to you and lily" Miguel told Andrew as Miguel wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

We laughed and eventually left Dion's house.

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