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Y/n's POV

I closed the door behind me my brother, mom and dad already at the table. "Hey what's up" I sat beside my brother who had a furious look on his face but at the same time  he had been crying.

"What's going, why is Ethan mad"

"Y/n why don't you eat first" My Dad seemed furious a vain popping out of the side of his head and my mom was pale like the phrase 'you look like you've seen a ghost'.

"Okay," I ate a few potato wedges my mind started to wonder off into its playful sense like maybe they're trying to poison me or they're just pranking me. They've done so in the past my family loves a good laugh or two even if it is at another person's expense.

"Okay I can't eat when you all are looking the way you look what's going on"

"Tell her" Ethan managed to sniffle up. My mom looked at my dad before taking a dee breathe.

"Your father and I are getting a divorce" My mother spoke at a fast pace

I was taken back, was in shock, "but why?"

There had to be something else I was missing they weren't just getting divorced it was something else or why would Ethan be this upset.

"You could've told me that while sitting on the couch or with Ethan on FaceTime, all the fighting you guys have been doing you guys can work this out"

I admired my parents relationship for the most part they always knew how to be a team, when it came to giving parenting advice or when it just came to being a couple they always found compromise.

On the other hand Ethan never liked our father he always said stuff like 'I can't wait till you and mom divorce I know who I'm going to live with' or 'you are not my father'.

I always thought that because how hard Dad pushed Ethan. Our dad was a real hard shell with a soft inside but with Ethan he was always a hard shell.

"I'm missing something, what else am I missing" I dropped my fork

"Tell her" My dad said my mom clearly couldn't find the right words to say

"Our Dad is not OUR actual father" Ethan glared at my mother with a disgusted look

I looked at Dad then at Mom "what do you mean Aaron-" I used his real name "is not our father," I felt this horrible pit in my stomach

"It means our Mom is a lying whore" Ethan looked down

"What about Bella"

"Bella is his only child" Ethan answered

"I am so sorry I should've told you" my mom wiped her eyes

"Did you know" I looked at Aaron

"No I found out earlier this month"

"Is that what all this arguing has been about," I looked at Aaron, specifically talking to him "I don't care what anyone says you are the man that raised me you are my father" I wiped my tears that just couldn't stop


"He is my father, WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO US ABOUT HUH, where's Bella does she know, has anyone talked to her, cause for some reason she hasn't talked to me in so long and Bella has always loved me she has never not checked in on me, So you wanna tell me what you did to her to extort her go away" I stood up

"Y/n, Bella is Dead" Aaron looked down with tears in his eyes.

My eyes widened with horror I looked at Ethan who had the same look on his face. If I thought my stomach felt bad it feels like I'm gonna throw up.

"How do you know, you guys barely speak to her" Ethan asked

"We got a call from the cops she Over Dosed on some pills" My mom answered

"Bella would never do that" I defended her, all the lies exploding on me all at once. "When" Ethan questioned

"Sometime last year" I wanted to throw something punch a hole in the wall, run and keep running.

"Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME" I slapped my hands on the table causing my mom to shut her eyes and flinch

"Last year I talked to her last year"

"It sometime after thanksgiving,"

"Your Fucking sick person" I said to her

"Y/n, she's your mother" Aaron, Dad, whatever he was or is said

"She is no mother to me, she goes off about lying all the time when she has literally kept the biggest secret of all for months"

"It wasn't just her" Aaron defended

"Aaron I apologize for all the times I have yelled at, I thought I was never good enough. I always knew something was going on and I thought you were the liar but it turns out you aren't"

"Ethan" My mom tried to grab his hand

"I have a flight to pack for so I can go back to my life"

"You did this to us and I want you to know that I still live you but I don't know if I can ever trust you. You know how much Bella mattered to me I know I never really talked about her much because I thought you loved her and wanted to protect her and I was wrong, the funny thing is the last thing she said to me was 'Mom wouldn't give two shits if I die' and she was right you don't but She's my sister" I cried, balling my eyes out "she- she was my sister and didn't even have the decency to tell me"

"Y/n im the one who told your mom to keep it a secret" Aaron said I didn't even have enough courage to look at them

"Y/n i am so sorry but you have too-" My mom started but I ran up the stairs slamming my door shut and locking it as I slid my back across the floor. Crying uncontrollably, wondering what type of fucked up family I had been in. All this shit and I was so blind to see that it was happening in my face.

That was a lot 🥲 I don't know

I have such a great story line from here on out so be patient with me.

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