Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"There are... pseudos ahead...," she whispered.

"What do I do?" I whispered.

"There is no other way but to proceed. From here, you can access another smaller corridor," she whispered.

I had no other option but to find a way past them. She disappeared once again. I glued myself to the wall. Trying to keep my profile low and make as little sound as I could. The closer I got to the light source, I could hear several of them inside. The sounds they made sent chills down my spine. Again, I almost gagged at the smell coming from inside the room. A watery smacking sound echoed out of the room.

"Oh God, I hope that fleshy shit isn't in this room!" I worried as I clung to the wall.

I felt the bare concrete against my back and hands, and I sighed in relief.

"At least it's not here," I thought as I moved closer to the light. It seemed to be a larger chamber.

A few more steps brought me into the light. There were six of them inside. They differed from the ones I saw earlier, but definitely pseudo vampires. I froze in my tracks when one of them noticed me. In a frenzy, they all went into an alarming stance. I was wide open when they rushed me. There was nowhere to go when they stopped just feet from me. One of them seems to have forced the others back.

There was a bluish glimmer on its face, around its eyes. The color and shape were familiar for some reason. Then, I remembered where I had seen this before. Doctor Kent wore glasses with blue frames. The realization sent shock and disbelief through my mind. As if the creature recognized what I was thinking, it turned away. The others did the same thing and returned to whatever occupied them before my arrival.

"This... This... This couldn't be Doctor Kent. It was impossible; I saw him just a day or two ago," I thought in confusion and terror.

The creature raised his mangled hand to his face as if to push his glasses over his nose. I shuddered as more signs of the unimaginable truth became evident. Bits and pieces of a white lab coat clung to his body like rags all over his body. I recognized the tattered pieces of clothing the nurses wore day in and day out. Some of the clothing the creatures wore resembled what the security guards wore.

"Oh my, they must have been our nurses or guards," I thought as I covered my mouth in disgust.

As I looked at them, I began gagging. For the latter creatures, their armored vest appeared as if their flesh had grown into them. The skin seemed to be covered in malice growths of flesh with gaping holes covering their bodies. As I looked on, I noticed the fleshy material that formed roots. That was the best way I could describe them. The fleshy roots tangled up with other tangles of flesh that came from each of them. They intertwined like something had woven their flesh together. Some of them looked overgrown while others had mutated limbs. The doctor seemed to be at the center of all of them with the most disfigured afflictions.

"Doctor Kent?" I groaned.

There was a long pause, but I could see tiny strains of blonde hair. I knew before he began to speak. "Yes... I am... Doc... tor... Kent," he said in a dead unrecognizable voice. The creature that resembled Doctor Kent struggled to situate himself.

This was the Doctor that had treated us like we were humans out of all the people here.

"Why was he down here and like this?" I thought.

"What... what happened to you?" I whispered. His expression seems to struggle to form a thought.

"The price... The price for not following the rules. This is what happens to those that... don't," he said.

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