Chapter 1: First Day

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           My phone rang, and I took the call.

"Y/N, Bang Pd-nim has approved your job application. Come to our building right after you are done with your class".

"Really, Namjoon-ah?", I screamed happily.

"Yes. Do you think I'm kidding again?".

"No, no. Haha. I will go right now! I'm just done with my class!"

I first met Namjoon in the online game Fortnite. I believed he was joking at first when he introduced himself as Namjoon BTS, and I burst out laughing. But then he started taking things seriously, and I suspected he was catfishing. He was actually Namjoon up until the point that we had a video chat.

It's funny to recall such a memory.

But he's a wonderful friend. I was asking him to help me in seeking for a part-time job. I was talented with makeup. So he referred me to Bang PD Nim.

I studied mechanical engineering in South Korea as a foreigner from (Y/N country). My family was poor, therefore I have to work my tail off for fucking money in order to survive in this capitalist world.

I went straight to the bus station and took the bus to the Big Hit Building.

I entered the building and went through security by calling Namjoon on the phone.

Through the phone, Namjoon directed me to which room I should wait for him.

Namjoon was quite busy, and he told me to wait in the room until he came over.

When I entered the room, I saw Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. Maknae's line. This was my fucking first time seeing them. They were absolutely stunning. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous at all.

They were sitting on the sofa. I guess this was the room where BTS members got their makeup done.

They looked at me weirdly.

I just bowed my head to greet them.

They also bowed their heads to greet me back.

I moved to the corner of the room and smiled at them. I appeared cool on the outside, but on the inside, God knew I felt so darn awkward because how could my first time here be like this?

I could see Taehyung was staring at me from head to toe. At first, I felt I looked strange, but his stare gradually became too intense. I was dying to ask him. Is something wrong with my face or body?

"Hey, you can sit here," Jimin said to me in English, gesturing politely towards the other sofa in front of them.

I probably looked like a fool. Shit.

But it was weird that he spoke English to me. I could speak Korean.

I went to sit where Jimin pointed, and then I curled a smile at them again.

"Yah, is she not Korean?" I heard Taehyung asking Jimin in Korean.

"Yah, obviously not."

This was so awkward. Maybe it was obvious that I looked like a foreigner.

"Are you a foreigner?", Jungkook asked me in English.

Shit, I'm very good at speaking Korean! Whatever, let's just do it. "Yes, I am", I said, and they all looked at each other.

Taehyung smiled when he confirmed that I was not Korean. "This is the best time for me to test my English", Taehyung said to Jungkook and Jimin. He spoke in Korean.

They giggled.

Bitch, I understand you.

"What's your name?" Taehyung asked me.

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