Chapter 47

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Later that morning..

"He still not responding?" Tiara asked with Princess laying in her lap.

"No.. I feel so dumb Ti." I put my face in my hands breaking down crying.

Here I was nine months pregnant by another Bitch's, boyfriend thinking we would be together just for him to leave me for her.

"No you're no-."

"Yes I am! How could I be so fucking stupid, and then we fucked lastnight for his birthday." I cried even more.

"Relax London you're gonna send yourself into labor babe." Tiara said grabbing her phone since it was ringing.

"Hello?" She answered

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath looking at my phone to see if my messages delivered and they didn't.

My calls were still going straight to voicemail. How could he? What a selfish ass bitch ass manipulator.

"What!? No why would I be in her close friends?" Tiara looked over at me with a confused face.

"Yeah I'm with London right now why?"

"What is it?" I asked since she said my name.

"Okay I'm checking my messages now."  She pulled the phone away from her ear.

I scooted over so that I could see what she was seeing on her phone.

"What the fuck?" Tiara said in shock.

It was a picture of Asad asleep in a bed with jade and he had his arm wrapped around her with a caption.

"My Hero forever us never them 10+🤞🏽💋"

I pushed her phone away and felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I played myself.. he played me.. he told me a few hours ago nothing could come between us. He left me knowing today was my due date.

"London.." Tiara said trying to comfort me.

"HE LEFT ME KNOWING TODAY WAS MY DUE DATE! HE LEFT ME TO DO THIS SHIT ALONE!" I dropped down to my knees crying and Tiara quickly laid princess on the couch and held me in her arms rocking me back and forth.

"Ti I- I never wanna see him again, I never want m-my son to meet him, I s-swear swear to god." I cried hardly able to talk.

"Uhhnnn!" I screamed in pain holding my stomach making me look down.

"London stand up." Tiara said trying to help me.

"I can't I think I'm having contractions. Tiara it hurts ahhhhhhh!"

I let out a loud scream waking Princess up cause she started crying.

"Shhh it's okay Princess." Tiara said trying to calm her down.

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