🔹𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖗𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔🔹

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They did not know how long they had knelt there, crying. But when they finally did, the sun had already set down.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian sounded hoarse. "Get up, you have been kneeling for too long. You might feel stiff."

Lan Wangji did indeed feel stiff but he could not bring himself to care of it anymore.

"Wei Ying, tha... Thank you for coming back." He said, instead.

Wei Wuxian's heart clenched hearing it but he tried not to show it. Lan Wangji was pregnant and he should not tire the other out with his unnecessary emotions.

"I am here now. And I... I promise that I won't leave again."

"Please... Please do not leave me again. Please..." Lan Wangji pleaded.

"Of... Of course, I won't. I am sorry, Lan'er. Please forgive your husband this once. Will you?"

"Mn. Wei Ying is forgiven." Lan Wangji said, kissing Wei Wuxian's forehead and brushing away the little strands of hair that fell to his face.

"Thank you, HanGuang-Jun." Wei Wuxian laughed despite the tears that covered his face and kissed his husband on the forehead too.

"Wei Ying, where were you? I could not find you anywhere. I-..."

Wei Wuxian placed his hand over Lan Wangji's mouth and shushed him.

"That's a long story and let's not talk of it now. I promise to tell you everything later. Alright?"

"Mn." Lan Wangji hummed, his heart feeling warm for the first time in months.

Wei Wuxian was alive and with him!

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian called, "No matter what had happened in the past or will happen in the future, you must always remember that I love you. I love you with all my heart and with everything that I have. Will you?"

"I will. And... And I love Wei Ying too. With all my heart and with everything that I have."

The words came before Lan Wangji could comprehend them. He had voiced his feelings, those things swirling inside him, had swirled inside of him ever since he had met Wei Wuxian.

"I know, I know, Lan'er!" Wei Wuxian cried, "I know." He then asked, "Lan'er, you must always remember that you are my one and only Zhiji. OK?"

"Mn." Lan Wangji hummed again. This was too much!

His Wei Ying was back and was saying things that he could not hear all at once! It was too much to hear and feel. To take in!

The meaning behind Wei Wuxian's words almost escaped him with how many things Lan Wangji had to process in those few seconds. Lifelong soulmate... zhiji. He meant the same thing to Lan Wangji.

Long moments stretched out as Lan Wangji battled within himself. Wei Wuxian seemed to be waiting for something more. But Lan Wangji could not assume to know the thoughts in his head. He couldn't even see into those piercing grey eyes to try reading the enigma that was Wei Wuxian.

In a single breath, he pressed a gossamer kiss to Wei Wuxian's still open lips. Lan Wangji's heart was bursting with emotion, his body pulsing with a heat that overwhelmed all of his senses. His mind was lost and his heart was bare. The meaning could not be clearer in this way.

And there he waited. Their lips were touching, but not moving, like a blanket covering a sleeping child. He meant to be gentle, not to force something like this, but he could not contain himself any longer. He waited and waited.

And waited and waited.

And waited.

And then it happened.

For the first time in three months!

Wei Wuxian's left hand dropped Chenqing and made its way under Lan Wangji's hair, to the nape of his neck. The other dropped to his waist and they were both surging into the kiss. It started tentative, Wei Wuxian's lips quivering under the push of Lan Wangji's. And then Lan Wangji was gasping for breath as Wei Wuxian pushed kiss after kiss into Lan Wangji's mouth. Wei Wuxian slowly darted his tongue into Lan Wangji's mouth and that action elicited a soft moan from Lan Wangji, whose own tongue rushed out to meet him. Lan Wangji allowed his arms to wind around Wei Ying and capture his shoulder blades, exploring the expanse of muscle there. Their bodies ground together, heat rushing through Lan Wangji's entire frame as they experienced this old yet new sensation together.

 "Wei Ying, wait!" Lan Wangji said, in between the kiss.

Wei Wuxian mourned at the loss of contact between their lips. But then Lan Wangji's eyes blazed back at him, his pupils blown wide. Wei Wuxian took a deep breath and captured Lan Wangji once again, and he felt the wetness of Lan Wangji's now kiss-swollen lips return. It was exhilarating and more than Lan Wangji could ever have imagined. He let himself luxuriate in their bodies melding together.

Wei Wuxian gradually slowed his kisses and finally stopped to catch his breath. He patted his slightly disheveled hair and made to fix Lan Wangji's hair as well. A smile was starting to form through all of his gasps as his fingers made their way through the strands of Lan Wangji's hair.

"What is it, Lan Zhan?" He asked.

"I have something to tell you." Lan Wangji breathed, clutching Wei Wuxian's shoulders, still dizzy from the kiss.

"I am all ears." Wei Wuxian smiled and Lan Wangji's breath hitched. He had missed it! So much! Very much!

"Wei Ying, I..." Lan Wangji's ears turned red and he was nervous all of a sudden.

How could he tell this to Wei Wuxian? Tell him that he was pregnant with Wei Wuxian's baby? Tell him that he was impregnated just by the first time during their sex? Tell him that he was...

"Tell me." Wei Wuxian urged. And then as if he had just remembered, he said, "Let's get up first. We are crouching down on the middle of the road. Come on." Wei Wuxian helped Lan Wangji up and brushed Lan Wangji's robes from any little dirt.

"Tell me now." He beamed.

Lan Wangji's heart began to pound wildly and he and his knuckles went red, clutching Bichen too hard.

"Mm?" Wei Wuxian questioned, scanning Lan Wangji's face right to left.

"Wei Ying, I am..."

"You are?"

"I... I am..."

"Lan Zhan, if you keep going on like this, we have to stay on the road the whole day. Tell me soon."

"Wei Ying, I..." Lan Wangji clenched his eyes shut. What was he doing? Why was he so nervous? Lan Wangji inhaled sharply and counted from ten to one and then recited his clan rules. Finally, still his eyes closed, he blurted out in one breath, his ears becoming crimson red.



"I am pregnant."

❃ 𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 ❃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora