🔹𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊🔹

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Lan Wangji's heart pounded in him and his ears turned red.

The love he felt right at that moment, how deep it ran, it scared him more than anything else he had ever felt. It rose in his chest, thick and heavy, and he choked on it as he stared down at his injured husband, who was looking right back at him.

Lan Wangji did not say anything. He can feel Wei Wuxian trembling where his fingers met his wound.

Wei Wuxian stared at him, silent as he watched Lan Wangji search for the words and fall short, and then something shifted behind his eyes.

"You love me," he said, like it was a revelation, like it was the surest thing in the world. "You — You've told me before, haven't you?"

Lan Wangji couldn't speak. Somewhere in his chest, the words he wanted to say have become thick and worthless. But Wei Wuxian met his eyes, and he saw right through them.

There was a moment of silence between them, and Lan Wangji wanted to kiss him. He really, really wanted to kiss him but he was terrified of taking more than he deserved. He was terrified of Wei Wuxian backing away and telling him he did not feel the same even though he was still inches away and hadn't made any effort to put space between them. He curled his hands into fists at his sides instead.

Wei Wuxian moved first, raised his hand to Lan Wangji's cheek and rested it against the warmth of his skin. Lan Wangji couldn't look away from him, even as he yearned to lean into his touch — he stayed as still as a statue, holding his breath like if he exhaled whatever this is will break underneath of it.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian said softly. "I want to try something."

Lan Wangji could feel Wei Wuxian's palm trembling against his cheek. The space between them is fractional.

"Is that okay?"

Lan Wangji's throat was dry. He nodded against his palm, closing his eyes because he was afraid and the weight of it overwhelmed him.

And he waited, and he waited. He waited until he couldn't bear it anymore because Wei Wuxian hadn't moved in nearly a minute and opened his eyes, confused.

"Finally," Wei Wuxian said, and then he closed the gap between them and kissed him.

It stole all of the air out of Lan Wangji's lungs, not because it was forceful but because never in his of life did he think he would have the opportunity to be kissed by Wei Wuxian. His lips were warm, and gentle, just like the weight of his palm against Lan Wangji's cheek.

Wei Wuxian only kissed him for a moment before he leaned back, just enough that he could meet Lan Wangji's wide eyes.

"Can I try again?" Wei Wuxian's voice was barely above a whisper.

Lan Wangji nodded again, and this time when Wei Wuxian kissed him he kissed back, until the palm against his cheek slippef behind the nape of his neck and tangled in his hair. The world spinned as Wei Wuxian's mouth moved against his and his tongue darted across the bottom of Lan Wangji's lips teasingly before he pulled back once more, slightly breathless.

And then Wei Wuxian smiled at him, as playful and open as he was when they first met, and something inside of Lan Wangji broke at the sight of it.

"Can I —"

Lan Wangji did not let him finish, surging forward and covering Wei Wuxian's mouth with his and kissed him the way how Wei Wuxian had kissed him just now, like he wanted to bruise all of his adoration and devotion into Wei Wuxian's lips. Wei Wuxian gasped and the sound made warmth bloom in his chest.

Wei Wuxian kissed back almost feverishly, because even though he teased, Lan Wangji could feel the trembling of his hands wherever they meet his skin. And the intensity of it made his head spin, because Wei Wuxian wanted him and Wei Wuxian was kissing him!

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian whispered as he broke away to breathe, reaching up to brush the hair out of his face almost reverently. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. I missed you. I missed you so much and I was very scared that something would happen to you."

Lan Wangji's breath caught in his chest as Wei Wuxian's knuckles grazed against his cheekbone and jaw, his eyes never leaving Lan Wangji's.

Lan Wangji grabbed his hand suddenly, slid his fingers between Wei Wuxian's and moved their joined hands to his chest. His heartbeat hammered against their joined hands, and Wei Wuxian's breath caught in surprise as he heared the words Lan Wangji couldn't say out loud.

"Oh, Lan Zhan," he said, and Lan Wangji could get drunk off of the way hoe husband said his name, like it was a prayer. "I love you, too."

When Wei Wuxian kissed him this time, it was featherlight, barely brushing his lips against Lan Wangji's.

"Agh, I really love you!" Wei Wuxian's voice was muffled into his shoulder, breath warm against his skin. "I mean it. I fancy you, I love you, I want you, I whatever you. I want to stay by your side."

The weight of his words almost overwhelmed Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian loved him, wantef to stay with him — every word he said made his chest ache with want.

"Love you," Lan Wangji repeated, and once he said it, he couldn't stop. "Fancy you. Want you. Need you. Want to be with you. Only you. Always you."

Wei Wuxian raised his head, and his eyes were shining with something Lan Wangji had never seen in them before.

"Only you," Wei Wuxian said, leaning down and kissing him briefly. "Always you."

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