Chapter twenty five

Depuis le début

He is.

Is not.

Is too.

Is not.

You are.

Would you like me to silence that talkative mouth of yours?

Good luck with that my love.

You little-


(Y/n)'s pov:

We walked into a big room, full of desks and seats. On the end of every row, sat a Jounin with a list in their hands.

I walked over to a little box, held by a masked ninja and pulled out a number.


The room started to be more and more crowded as people entered and pulled numbers out from the box.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand.

"(Y/n)... what number did you get?"

Haku asked with an unreadable look on his face.

Was he anxious?

"I got eighty eight. What about you?"

"I got one hundred seventy nine... I can't be by your side..." He looked away.

His eyes sparkled in sadness? Worry?

"You don't need to worry about me, snowflake." I pulled him closer to me and hugged him tightly.

"(Y-Y/n)... But... You are too important to me for not to worry..." He spoke in a more quieter voice, hugging me back.

"Come on snowflake, the paper won't eat me alive." I smiled a little and then whispered in his ear. "Whatever happens do not walk out of the room. Do not let Ibiki scare you, did you get me?" I pulled away. "The last question will be a trick question. Do not fall for it."

I stepped away from him and walked to my seat, leaving him a little shocked.

I sat down and a paper was already on my desk with an ereaser and two pencils on the table. Even a ruler.

It is just like in the anime.

I can see that.

"Hey there."

Someone spoke. Whoever this is, they are seated next to me.

I turned my head only to see Kabuto smiling at me a little.

"Hello." I raised an eyebrow. "I see you got a new pair of glasses?"

He laughed awkwardly a little.

"W-Well... I always have one in plus."

"I see. Are you feeling better?"

He nodded his head.

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