Chapter 29- Tsahik

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Time Skip:

Tonight was the night that Nerika and Aonung were to become the clan leaders. Everyone was making their preparations and getting dressed and dolled up for the ceremony.

Nerika was walking towards the orphan marui where Narini and the other kids stayed. It was huge, big enough for the kids to run around and have fun. She walked in where she was met by an old na'vi.

"Hello, can I help you?" The old woman asks. "Yes, I'm looking for a little girl named Narini" Nerika says. "Purpose of visit?" The woman asks. "Between you and me I'm thinking of adopting her tonight" Nerika says. "Splendid, she's in her room with the other children, you may enter" The woman says. Nerika smiles at her before entering the room where all the children slept.

She enters to see many sleeping mats and decorations placed everywhere. Creative was the only true way to describe this place.

"Nerika!" Narini shouts running up to Nerika and hugging her. "Hey, Aonung is waiting for us by the beach, wanna go for a swim?" Nerika says looking down at the girl hugging her.

19 - 6= 13. Nerika and Narini are 13 years apart.

Nerika then leaves the orphan marui holding Narini's hand leading her to the beach. They soon arrive at the beach where Aonung was waiting with his tsurak in the water. "Wanna go for a ride?" Nerika asks holding Narini's shoulders. The little girl beams with excitement running over to Aonung hugging him.

Nerika then runs after them calling Nal'a, her tsurak. She connects their queues before hopping on Nal'a's back. "We going to the cave, we have something to tell you" Nerika says to little Narini who is curled up in Aonung's grip in front of him on his tsurak.

They dive into the water riding on their tsurak as the water currents hit their face gracefully but swiftly. Nerika smiles seeing Narini's happy and excited expression. They then come up from the water still on the tsuraks, flying.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!!" Narini beams. Aonung and Nerika giggle at the girl's excitement. "Come on, the cave isn't far" Aonung says diving into the water as Nerika does the same.

As they were underwater riding on their tsurak, they notice many other tsuraks coming through the reef. They get greeted by Raya and Tasun who ride by. Nerika immediately remembered that tonight was her ceremony.

They soon arrived at the cave and got off their tsurak. Aonung then swept Narini off the floor and onto his shoulders, the girl giggled being tossed around. Nerika held onto her back and tickled her as they walked. "Hahaha stop, it ti-ckles" Narini says laughing. "It's meant to" Nerika says tickling her even more.

They then walk deeper into the cave arriving at the waterfall spot that Aonung and Nerika basically owned. "Our spot" Aonung teased as Nerika smirks at him. "This place is beautiful" Narini says looking in awe at the indoor waterfall.

Aonung then tosses her into the water before jumping in with her as Nerika follows. "Hey that wasn't fair!" She says coming to the surface. They both just chuckled. "So what did you want to tell me?" She asks.

"We know about you being an orphan" Aonung says as Narini looks down with sadness. "But" Nerika says cupping her cheek so that she'd look her in her eye, "We wish to adopt you" Nerika says as the girl gets shocked hearing this. "Only if you agree of course" Aonung says.

"That's..that's the best news I've ever heard, thank you so much" little Narini says crying while hugging Nerika as Aonung joins. "Of course sweetheart, but we have another suprise" she says. "What's that?" Narini asks. "I'm pregnant" Nerika says. "So you'll get siblings" Aonung says. "YAY, I'm going to be a big sister!" Narini beams.

Oel Ngati Kameie [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora