Chapter 19- New life

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Nerika then wakes up with Neteyam still laying on her lap fast asleep. Lo'ak then emerges from the bushes with Kiri and Tuk behind him waking Neteyam up.

"We've been looking for you guys everywhere" Kiri says.

"We fell asleep here last night" Nerika says. "Okay, but come on it's breakfast time" Lo'ak says.

"I'll be there soon, just need to go visit Kairu and Kaña" Nerika says before running deep into the forest.

She walks to the cave to find Kaña playing with her mother as they run around in circles and tumble to the ground letting out a sound almost like a laugh.

Nerika giggles at the sight of a mother and child and immediately thought of her future with Aonung and how many kids they might have. She smiles at her beautiful thoughts of wanting two beautiful girls and one boy.

Kairu then turns to Nerika bowing down to her allowing her on her back. Nerika willingly jumps on as they go on a run into the forest with baby Kaña running fast behind them.

Kairu and Nerika<3 ______

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Kairu and Nerika<3

Nerika, Kairu and Kaña had spent half of the day together before Kairu runs to the beach to drop Nerika off.

Nerika bows at the animal before Kairu runs back into the forest with Kaña behind her.

She then gets pushed onto the floor by a heavy and strong body and looks up to see Aonung.

"I haven't seen you the whole day you skxawng" he says. "Yawnetu(lover)....I was with Kairu and Kaña" she says. "Well I missed you"

"I missed you too you skx-" she says but is cut off by Aonung kissing her. "You'll never get to call me a skxawng" he says in between placing kisses all around her face. "Okay Nung" she giggles.

"Nerika!" Tsireya runs to the beach shouting, "It's mum, she's in labour, come quick!"

Nerika quickly gets up and runs swiftly down to the tsahik's tent where Tsireya was sitting beside her.

"Aonung get your father, Tsireya get five cool cloths and place them underneath her head, elbows and the back of her knees" Nerika commands as they both do what their told.

She then walks over to Ronal and crouches beside her placing her ear on her belly hearing the baby's heartbeat. "How are they?" Ronal asks referring to her baby's health. "Your baby's strong and doing very well so let's make this a good delivery ay?" Nerika says reassuringly.

Tonowari and Aonung then barge into the tent. "Ronal my love, how are you doing?" He asks while going on his knees next to her. "I'm fine but I just need to- OWW!" Ronal screeches.

Nerika listens to the baby's heartbeat again hearing it pacing meaning it was time for Ronal to start pushing. "Tonal listen to me" Nerika says trying to calm Ronal's nerves, "It's time" she says before placing Ronal's hand in Tonowari's and holding the other.

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