Precious Possession

Start from the beginning

His mother died when he was only 16, his father left and his siblings never really made him feel like he belonged. He was so afraid of the world and never knew how to understand people but when you came along, James' mind opened just a bit. You made him more human in a sense. Music was his first love but you're the first ever being that ever held his heart so carefully and lovingly.

You caressed his face, his huge hand finding comfort in touching yours. "I see happiness. I see what the world can't. You're my everything, love.
Nothing else matters."

It looked like he was about to cry but you never could tell. James rarely ever cried in front of you or anyone. Suddenly, he cradled you in his arms, rubbing your back as your face lay flat on his cool skin. This close embrace went on until he fell back asleep, with you as a teddy bear.

Your eyes shut for a moment, internalizing everything said. Every word was genuine. "I love you," were the last words drawn from your lips before slipping slowly into sleep again as well.

It didn't even feel like an hour later, but Kirk had somehow made it into the room despite not having the key. The sound of the door handle jiggling brought you to your feet, walking slowly towards the door. Before you could even grasp the handle, the door itself swung open nearly hitting you.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)!" A huge grin was plastered on his face as he laid his eyes on your messy appearance.
"Mornin', Kirk." You groaned, rubbing your eyes and looking around for the clock.

"I take it that you're just now waking up? Do you even know what time it is?"You shook your head out of confusion. "No, not really. Me and James were fucking destroyed from last night."

"Ah," Kirk stepped further into the room to get a view of James, all he could make out was the blonde mass of hair and snoring. "Yeah, last night was kinda fuckin' wild.

"So, how come you had to break into the room?"
"It wasn't breaking in," he held up a card. "Just asked for an extra key to the room."

You rolled your eyes though couldn't help but bust out like an idiot. Kirk always had a way of doing things. You'd been friends with him since he was in Exodus.

Lars walked past, peaking his head in the doorway with a look of irritation on his face. "What the fuck are you guys doing just standing around? We've gotta get ready to go to the venue!"
Kirk watched Lars walk off, he looked like an angry elf. "Get a load of this guy, amirite?"
You chuckled. "Yeah, Lars can be a bit of a hothead.
Should we actually get ready though?"
"I dunno. I mean, I'm not rushing anything. Wanna go wake up big guy over there and then figure some shit out?"

"Sure, I'm down. But I don't know how we're gonna accomplish that." You shook your head. Kirk grabbed a pillow from the other bed walking over to where James was. "Watch and learn.
With that, he started hitting James. He wouldn't fucking budge. The only reaction was him grunting in his sleep.

"Kirk, what made you think that was gonna work?" You walked over to him and swiped the pillow from his hands, setting it down on the bed. "Lemme try."
Kirk stepped back, allowing you to work your magic.
You started tapping him, speaking in a soft voice.
"James, baby. Steven Tyler and the rest of the band are in this hotel right now. I just saw him downstairs at the lobby."

With that, James sat up in bed with a huge smile on his face, lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really? Aw babe, we've gotta get the fuck down there right now!"
You turned back at Kirk, covering your mouth and you both started to go hysterical. James always falls for stuff like this.

When he realized what just happened, James threw the pillow next to him directly at Kirk, knocking the boy off his feet. "Fuck you, man. I took it seriously just now" Kirk immediately stood back up. "The fuck was that for? It wasn't even me that said that!"
"I know. I just like fucking with you. Plus I'd never say that shit to (Y/N) or she might actually do it." He scratched his head then looked up at you. "How come you're up and he's in here?"
"Lars says we've gotta get ready to go. You know how he goes."

James rolled his eyes and laughed. "I bet it went something like WhAT thE fOcK gUys??? GEt ReAdY!"

Kirk was amused. "Basically that. But (Y/N) and I were planning to wake you up and then go do something before it's time to go or whatever."
"Well sure, I guess I've gotta wait 'till later to be all over you again." He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you towards him, allowing you to sit on his lap. James kissed your cheek then squeezed you tight.

Kirk just looked at you both like a child watching their parents kiss, slightly cringing. "Anyway, I'm gonna go leave you both to it and uh, go see what Lars and Cliff are up to.

"Alright, Kirky. Oh yeah, and tell Lars I said shut the fuck up." James said that all with a stone cold face. "Sure. Even though we tell each other that all the time."

He left you both to some more alone time before it was time to go. James proceeded to get up and take a shower, asking you to join him. After getting dressed you both along with Kirk went to a restaurant across the street, came back and were packed up and ready to go on with the day.

𝖏𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘🦇Where stories live. Discover now