Chapter 16: Training and the meeting of the Lower Moons

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"Mimicry, Flower Style: Honorable Shadow Plum!" (Y/N) yelled, releasing several sword slashes that deflected multiple attacks from a certain butterfly girl.

"Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility." Kanao mumbled, and unleashed consecutive slashes, attacking the demon boy.

After the two were done with their moves, they both jumped back to take a breather. Clapping can be heard from the roof of the Butterfly Mansion.

"What a beautiful duel!" It was Shinobu. She jumped off of the roof and onto the ground, near the two teens. "It seems (Y/N) has perfected some of the moves of Flower Breathing."

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to Kanao!" (Y/N) cheered and put a fist up in the air. Kanao smiled to herself.

"Now let's get to the main thing I'm here for. We're going to the Demon Slayer Headquarters tomorrow at noon. Be sure to get some sleep." (Y/N) nodded at Shinobu.

"Before I forget, 5 of the 9 Hashira has decided to help you train, including me." Shinobu concluded before turning around. 

"You two can continue training. I won't bother you two anymore." Shinobu smiled and jumped away.

(Y/N) rubbed the back of his head. "Um.. so, do you want to continue, Kanao?" The boy looked at the older girl.

Kanao smiled and got in a stance. (Y/N) got ready as well, and the two charged at each other.

The two swords clashed multiple times, sometimes sparks were created from the friction.

"Sixth Form: Whirling Peach." Kanao mumbled and spun to create momentum for an attack. 

(Y/N) smiled and stuck his right hand to the side. Kanao became shocked. She stopped mid-air, and couldn't move. After feeling something around her arms, she looked a little bit closer and noticed multiple threads holding her in place.

"This is another one of my powers! It's pretty neat, isn't it?" (Y/N) jumped back before releasing Kanao from his thread trap.

Before (Y/N) could even blink, Kanao was already in front of him, ready to attack.

"Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo." Kanao unleashed a single slash that was gracefully twisting after the dodging (Y/N). 

After a bit (Y/N)'s dodges became sloppy and he almost got slashed, but blocked with his katana at the last second.

Kanao was now pushing on (Y/N)'s katana with her own, slowly but surely pressing the demon boy closer to the ground.

Someone slid open the door of the mansion which got both of the teens' head turning in the direction of the sound.

 "What's with the commotion out here?" It was Tanjiro.

"Tanjiro!" (Y/N) greeted. "I'm just training with Kanao here. Is there anything you want?"

"You're losing quite a bit." Tanjiro chuckled. "Anyway, Aoi sent me to check out what that loud clashing sound is, and to tell you two that dinner is almost ready."

"Stop it with that, you'd get folded like laundry in a second against Kanao in that state. But thanks for informing us." Both (Y/N) and Kanao were now standing normally, and they both sheathed their katana.

Tanjiro chuckled and walked back into the mansion.

"Thanks for that training, Kanao. You're pretty strong, not gonna lie. I'm happy Flower Breathing is the third breathing I learned!" (Y/N) gave Kanao a smile with closed eyes and walked towards the mansion.

After (Y/N) was no where in sight, Kanao smiled wider than ever and put her hand over her heart, a tiny bit of red tainting her cheeks. 'Is this that tingling feeling Shinobu-san told me about? If it is.. it feels weird.'


Dinner has successfully been eaten, and after a bit of talking at the table, everyone went their separate ways to sleep. Except (Y/N). He left early just so he could get as much sleep as he possibly could before the big day.

That plan of his failed. The time was around midnight, and (Y/N) was looking at the ceiling of his room.

'Dammit, why can't I sleep?!' (Y/N) sat up, frustrated. After a bit of thinking, it was like a lightbulb lit up in his head. 'That's it! I'll just go outside for a bit.. maybe sit on the porch to get my mind off of whatever's going on with me.'

After exiting the mansion (Y/N) sat down on the porch and started thinking about the Hashira.

Suddenly a painful headache disrupted his peace. Another vision appeared.


A woman with long black hair and snake-like red eyes stood in a giant room filled with sideways stairs and weird buildings.

5 demons stood in front of the woman, all looking confused.

"Lower your heads and bow!" The woman demanded in a man's voice, and all demons immediately got on the ground, their heads close to touching the ground.

"M'lord, my apologies! Your appearance and aura are different, so-" The female demon was cut off.

"Who said you could speak?!" The demon is called Muzan Kibutsuji. "Lower Moon 5 Rui is dead! A hashira has once again slain another Lower Moon with ease!"

"We deeply apologize for not meeting your standards, Kibutsuji-sama." One of the demon's that had cracks on the upper part of their face apologized.

Muzan grumbled. "I want to ask only one thing. Why are you, members of the Twelve Kizuki, so weak?"

The demon king then started murdering every Lower Moon from the lowest to the highest. Except the last two. 

"Do you have any last words?" Muzan asked the remaining two demons.

"I-I can still be of use to you! I.. I-I can murder that half demon traitor for you!" The male demon with cracks on his forehead said.

Muzan's eyes widened and a smile spread across his face. Suddenly something stabbed the demon in the neck and the demon started screaming in pain.

"What are your last words?" Muzan said to the last demon.

"I am in a dream..! I will die by your hands..." The feminine but male demon clasped his hands together. "I adored the other demons' death cries.. they thrilled me. Thank you for leaving me last."

Muzan smiled once again, and this demon was stabbed in the neck as well.

"I like you two. I'll give you my blood in abundance. You may yet die because you cannot take the volume of this transfusion.. but if you accommodate it, you will gain greater strength." The two demon's screams died down, now they were coughing. "Then you must make yourself useful to me, and kill a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. Rokuro, if you kill the half demon traitor, then I will consider giving you more of my blood. Enmu, if you kill the boy with the hanafuda earrings and bring his head to me, I will give you more of my blood."


(Y/N)'s painful headache finally disappeared along with the vision.

'W-what was that... Muzan Kibutsuji..? He.. She.. I don't know, murdered the Lower Moons? Wait... One of them is after me. That's not good.' The (H/C) haired boy got up from the porch, sweating bullets and panting. He was finally able to fall asleep.


I'm so so so sorry for taking so long in posting, there's been a lot of family stuff going on.

If you have any questions about the story, please ask right away!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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