Chapter 6: End of the Final Selection

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I'm sorry I haven't posted, just graduated a few days ago.


3rd person POV:

It was now daytime, (Y/N) was still unconscious. He was laying under a tree. Tanjiro was pacing back and forth, waiting for his friend to wake up.

After a few minutes, the (H/C) haired male's eyes slowly opened. Tanjiro immediately turned towards him after hearing the boy cough.

"You're finally awake!" Tanjiro happily exclaimed and ran over to help his friend up.

"What happened..?" (Y/N) asked groggily, rubbing his eyes while taking the burgundy haired male's hand, getting up.

"We were fighting that hand demon when I got knocked out, and when I woke up I saw your head getting crushed by that monster! But then you reappeared with your head intact and killed the demon with ease!" Tanjiro explained to his best friend, leaving the part out that he is a half demon, not wanting to make the situation worse. He didn't want (Y/N) to lose focus. The consequences of that could be fatal.

"Well that's weird. But I'm glad I could kill that demon. Now we just have to survive the last few days, then we can go back and tell Urokodaki the good news!" (Y/N) rubbed his neck with both of his hands, while trying to be optimistic about the situation. Tanjiro nodded, walking off while motioning to (Y/N) with a wave to follow him.


It was the last day, and the two friends were running through the forest, looking for the starting point. In the distance, they could see pink trees. It was the wisteria that surrounded the large woods.

When arriving at the wisteria, (Y/N) almost fell over from the wave of sickness that came over him. They arrived at the area where they were informed about the final selection.

'Only five of us?' Tanjiro thought. (Y/N) couldn't think straight from all the wisteria around him. 'We started with nearly twenty. And that kid isn't here either..'

"Welcome back. Congratulations. I'm glad you're safe." The twins spoke in sync. 

There were three other people other than (Y/N) and Tanjiro. One was a boy with yellow and orange hair, with a similarly colored haori. He was mumbling to himself about dying. The second was a black haired girl, who seemed the most peaceful of the three. There was a butterfly flying around her, and she was looking at it.

The third was a black haired male. His hair is styled into a buzz cut, with only a small clump off messy black hair left to grow on the top of his head. He also had a large scar going over his right cheek all the way to his nose.

"So? What am I supposed to do now?" The scar faced male spoke up angrily. "Where's my katana?"

"First, we will provide your corps uniforms. We will take your measurements and engrave your rank." One of the two twins spoke up.

"There are ten ranks." The other began. "Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, Mizunoto. Right now, you are all at the bottom rank of Mizunoto."

"Where's my katana?" The black haired boy asked again, getting angrier and more impatient by the second.

"Now you will choose the ore for your sword. Then it will take up to two weeks for the katana to be finished." The white haired twin explained, clasping her hands together. "Then, we will assign you a Kasugai crow."

Right after the twin said the last part, crows came flying towards the new demon slayer swordsmen, landing on their owner's arm. Except for (Y/N). His crow landed on his head.

"Kasugai crows are Generally used for communication, but not always." The black haired twin explained.

The angry male of the group didn't seem so happy about receiving his own Kasugai crow. He stomped his way over to the twins while screaming. "I don't care about crows!" He grabbed onto the white haired twin's hair, screaming even louder.


Tanjiro stormed up to the screaming boy, and gripped the forearm of the angry male that was grabbing onto the twin's hair.

"Let go of this child! If you don't, I'll break your arm!!" Tanjiro yelled at the black haired teen.

"Huh? Who're you?! Just you try it!!" He responded, still angry. Tanjiro took that as a challenge, and gripped the forearm harder, breaking it. The angry boy let go of the hair and backed up, holding his broken arm.

"Are you done talking?" The black haired twin interrupted. "Then come over here. Please choose the ore for making your katana."

Tanjiro walked over to (Y/N) and dragged him over to the table. "You choose for yourself.. the ore for the sword that will kill demons and protect you." The twin continued.

Tanjiro started sniffing the air, and chose one of the ores in the middle. (Y/N) decided to choose the one next to the one his best friend chose.

After they chose, they were let go. The two friends were walking down a path in the middle of a forest, when Tanjiro decided to bring up what happened during the fight with the hand demon.

"Hey, (Y/N).. I gotta tell you something." Tanjiro started, looking over to (Y/N), who just looked back at him, motioning with his head to continue. "I left one part out while explaining what happened back there..."

That piqued (Y/N)'s interest. "You're a demon.' Tanjiro stated bluntly. (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Your eyes looked like a demon's. Black sclera with (F/C) glowing eyes. You even had claws, just like Nezuko. That's why you always felt sick around wisteria. That's the reason you survived. And.. I'm kinda happy that you're a demon. I can't bear the thought of losing someone again..." Tanjiro looked down, his voice becoming low.

All this sparked a memory within the (H/C) haired male's head.


"(Y/N), me and your mother finally decided to tell you our secret." (Y/N)'s father spoke, holding his wife.

"Huh? What secret?" (Y/N) asked, curious. At this time, he was 4 years old.

"Your mother here is a demon. A man-eating demon. I'm only a human. And that means that you're half human, and half demon." His father explained.

(Y/N) just chuckled. "Stop joking about that! You know that isn't funny!" The boy ran off, and continued playing, not believing a word his father just told him.


"I... remember. My parents... they told me I'm half demon... so they were right all along." (Y/N)'s voice was shaky. He stopped walking, just looking at the dirt, his eyes still wide.

Tanjiro stopped a few meters before him, looking back at him worriedly. "Wanna sit down? We can talk about it." The burgundy haired male offered, smiling.

(Y/N) agreed, and walked over to nearby shade and sat down. Tanjiro followed close after, sitting down next to his best friend.


So what do you think about the fact that (Y/N) here his half demon half human? And sorry about any grammar mistakes in the chapter, I finished it in the middle of the night.

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